selective focus photography of light bulbs

L’espace courbé de la Terre enveloppe le passé de la planète. *** la courbure de l’espace-temps ** La notion de la courbure de l’espace-temps est très difficile à se représenter. * – link2source – La courbure de l’espace-temps… selon Newton (1/2) – Les idées froides (Alain Bernard) * Participe Passé: enveloppé * Infinitif: envelopper * Participe Passé: courbé * A verbal adjective is a form of a verb that functions as an adjective, describing a noun while retaining some characteristics of the verb. – link2source ** La Terre: la troisième planète par ordre d’éloignement au Soleil et la cinquième plus grande du Système solaire aussi  – link – “Terre.” Wikipédia, l’encyclopédie libre. 20 déc. 2024, 14:03 UTC. 20 déc. 2024, 14:03 – link *


Par NASA/Apollo 17 crew; taken by either Harrison Schmitt or Ron Evans — Domaine public, link

(past participle) Part. Passé: passé – the past: le passé (Noun) – passer: (Verb) to pass, spend time.

L’axion est une particule hypothétique, supposée stable, neutre et de très faible masse (entre quelques µeV et quelques meV). Son existence découle de la solution de Peccei-Quinn (en) (1977) au problème de violation de la symétrie CP en chromodynamique quantique1. Depuis, il est proposé comme l’un des constituants possibles de la matière noire. – link2source

Les théories supersymétriques prédisent l’existence de plus de particules, aucune n’ayant été confirmée expérimentalement en 2024: (none having been confirmed) – l’axion (spin 0) est une particule pseudo-scalaire introduite par la théorie de Peccei-Quinn afin de résoudre le problème de l’absence de violation de la symétrie CP dans la chromodynamique quantique ; – the axion (spin 0) is a pseudoscalar particle introduced by Peccei-Quinn theory in order to solve the problem of the absence of CP symmetry violation in quantum chromodynamics;

Cette option est simplement hypothétique à ce stade – hypothétique: hypothetical ***

Zeste, saveur ou piquant; le vecteur est la sauce donc gardez-le secret.

*** French (LANGUAGE) END

consisto, consistis, consistere C, constiti, – – to gather – Present, Indicative, Active: 3rd. Person Singulare: subito consistit (Suddenly Stops) * propius: nearly, almost, closer. – quo propius nunc es – How much closer are you now? *** sit tumidum paucis etiam nunc noctibus aequor – Even now, I am sick for a few nights, even though I am swollen. * adeunt: they come – adeo, adis, adire IR, adii, aditum – Present, Indicative, Active: to go towards, to approach. adeo, adis, adit – adimus, aditis, adeunt ***

sed ego magis uelle me scio omnia – But I know I want everything better. – non ego pro mundi regno magis anxius illa tempestate fui – I was not more anxious for the kingdom of the world than in that tempest. ** illa tempestate fui – I was in that storm. *** quod tantas tempestates Oceani tantosque impetus ventorum sustineri – that such great storms of the ocean and such great gusts of wind could be endured. *** Oceanus, Oceani [m.] O noun, definition: Ocean: Genitive Sg., Nominative Pl., Vocative Pl.

mundus eque tot ac tantis caeli terraeque marisque posce bonis aliquid – The world and all the many and great things of heaven, earth and sea, ask for something. * tot ac tantis – so many and so great * terraeque marisque – and land and sea **

indico, indicis, indicere C, indixi, indictum – Quid indicat? – What does it show? – Present, Subjunctive, Active: indicam, indicas, indicat – indicamus, indicatis, indicant ***

indico, indicis, indicere C, indixi, indictum – indixi: to declare publicly, proclaim, announce, appoint, summon – link – Perfect, Indicative, Active: indixi, indixisti, indixit – indiximus, indixistis, indixerunt * sed etiam bellum indixi atque intuli – But I also declared and brought war. * indixi atque intuli – I have indicated and introduced ***

Latin/Lesson 5-Perfect Indicative – link – Latin Perfect Active Tense – The perfect tense is used for action that has already been completed. English has two corresponding constructions: present perfect and simple past. The present perfect uses the present of “to have” plus the past participle. (“I have sailed to Athens twice.” “These women have spoken the truth.”) The simple past is a separate verb form that indicates a completed action. (“I came, I saw, I conquered.”) Another related form, which uses “did” as an auxiliary, is used for emphasis, negation or interrogation. (“I did see you at the Forum, didn’t I?”) – link2source (Perma-link) “Latin/Lesson 5-Perfect Indicative.” Wikibooks. 21 May 2023, 20:11 UTC. 25 Dec 2024, 00:16 **-

*** Latin (LANGUAGE) END

***** Zest, flavor, or piquancy; the vector is the sauce; so, keep it a secret. *****

“Invisible threads are the strongest ties.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche


Tens of thousands of Germans are on the streets to protest against open borders after the Magdeburg attack. – link2source – GlobalClipNetwork@GlobalClipNetwork


link2source – THE RISE OF BITCOIN w/ Parker Lewis – What Bitcoin Did@WhatBitcoinDidPod

link2source – Satoshi, Kenosis, and Christmas – Bitcoin University@Bitcoin_University – The way down is the way up.

link2source – EXCLUSIVE: The WSJ Hypes “A Looming Threat To Bitcoin: Max Keiser Responds With The Facts! – BANNED DOT VIDEO * The secret sauce of BITCOIN.


Some people can juggle plates while balancing on the head of a pin, however, you might not be that person. – JL 12-25-2024 – Certaines personnes peuvent jongler avec des assiettes tout en se balançant sur la tête d’une épingle, mais vous n’êtes peut-être pas cette personne.


***** Old Movies *****

link2source – Crime And Punishment | FREE MOVIE (Peter Lorre, Marian Marsh) – Moving Pictures@MovingPicsOfficial

link2sourceIt’s A Wonderful Life by Frank Capra (1946) – EarthNewsPaper DOT COM * Old Movies

link2source – The Nine Lives Of Tomas Katz – The Nine Lives of Tomas Katz is a 2000 Anglo-German black and white surreal comedy. It has been described as an “avant-garde comedy about the Apocalypse”,[1] co-written and directed by Ben Hopkins. – link – Wikipedia contributors. “The Nine Lives of Tomas Katz.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 19 Aug. 2024. Web. 24 Dec. 2024. – The Nine Lives Of Tomas Katz – by, Ben Hopkins – Theatre, Film and TV Nick Marston –

An avant-garde comedy about the Apocalypse, that forwent superficial aesthetics, so that you would admire the “good bones” of this black-and-white movie. There is a guiding line of narrative that keeps the sense of progress moving without the assurance of clear, end-point direction. Full disclosure: I cannot spoil the ending because I have not, as of yet, watched the full movie. It is like a corpse that needs to be picked apart. However, my allusion to death is in no way commentary on the quality of this film. Although, light-hearted fun it is not. But instead, it is the dark matter of subconscious, or at least, a Simulacrum. I disagree with the apocalypse metaphor, having watched the first few minutes of the film. I am sure to return. There may be an Apocalypse yet. We’ve put it off for so long. – JL 12-25-24

Carl Jung is famous for formulating the concept of the shadow, the portion of our personality which, through the course of our life, is relegated to the darkness of the unconscious. – link2source – Carl Jung and the Shadow: The Hidden Power of Our Dark Side. – “Although the shadow is an innate part of the human being, the vast majority of us are willfully blind regarding its existence. We hide our negative qualities, not only from others but from ourselves.”


***** prendre du recul est fondamental *****

Prendre du recul, c’est savoir se détacher d’une situation pour la voir sous un angle nouveau. – link2source *

***** Kyiev, Ukraine, the Military Collapse. *****

link2source – The Bio-Labs of Ukraine (Funded by the Pentagon). – The Ukrainian Collapse: What Comes After the Fall? – Conversations Among The Ruins@among_the_ruins * Russians keep their cards very close to their chest. * Ukraine: an army less willing and less able to fight. * Pokrovsk offensive: Russians encircling Pokrovsk, Ukraine: link – […] ongoing military operation in the Russian invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Armed Forces with the primary goal of capturing the strategic city of Pokrovsk in western Donetsk Oblast. Fighting increased with the Russian advance into and subsequent capture of Prohres on 18 and 19 July 2024, a turning point for the Russian offensive  […] –

link2source – (Filmed DEC. 20th, 2024) Bail-in Bank Failures and Russia Bombs Kyiev, Ukraine.Bill Holter: Mysterious 2025 Deagel Population COLLAPSE Forecast (prepare for war) – CapitalCosm@capitalcosm * Last few hours: Putin “smoked” Kiev. * EXCLUSIVE: Russia Bombs Kiev While Preparing for End to War – link2source – December 21, 2024 by Joe Hoft – Russia is raining Missiles on Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. Bank Bail-outs vs. Bail-ins.

link2source – Putin Vows Destruction on Ukraine for Kazan Drone Attack – Daniel Davis / Deep Dive@DanielDavisDeepDive


link2sourceLuke Gromen: ‘Devalue The Dollar First’ | Why DOGE Without Dollar Weakening Would Be ‘Catastrophic – The Julia La Roche Show@TheJuliaLaRocheShow

link2source – “Coffee and a Mike” Tom Luongo | SCRIPT NOTES ABOUT THE PLOT HOLES FROM TRUMP’S ASSASSINATION – Michael Farris (Coffee and a Mike)@Coffeeandamike

link2source – Israel Vows Escalation After Missile Attacks from Yemen + CIA Director Visits Kiev w/ Mark Sleboda – Rachel Blevins@RachelBlevins

link2source – New suicidal offensive of Kiev? Putin vows retaliation. Houthis claim F/A-18. Trump Wants Greenland – Levan Gudadze – Opinion@LevanGudadze * Ukraine *

link2source – * Peak-Oil * Trump. Buy the election, sell the inauguration. 2025 equals volatility. AIA Weekly 12.21.24 – John Polomny@ActionableIntelligenceAlert

link2source – Likely Illegal Guatemalan Burns a Woman Alive On the NYC Subway – styxhexenhammer666 *




link2source – The Vital Connection Between Oil and the Economy Revealed in 2 Simple Charts – Peak Prosperity@PeakProsperity * Petro-Dollar *

selective focus photography of light bulbs
Photo by Tim Gouw on

link2source – 1 BTC to USD (Current Price of Bitcoin in U.S.D.) – 98,500.42 (Since Previous Close) 0.19%-187.69 Today – Dec 25, 1:10:58 AM UTC – (In Houston: 7:12 PM Central Standard Time, Dec. 24th. 2024) * Thank you for checking in to you Bitcoin price in U.S. Dollars. Remain calm and carry on! – Peace!

Thank you for reading: Just Drones, On-and-On He Does! Reality detaches from all perspective. Vapidity does this one-way conversation no justice. A pause for imbibing, would be welcome, alas this meeting is a desert. A welcome excuse to leave unexpectedly would be heaven sent. – JL 12-23-2024 *

Enlightening Facts about the Climate

Remember: Deserts can be classified by the amount of precipitation that falls, by the temperature that prevails, by the causes of desertification or by their geographical location. – education DOT national geographic DOT org – resource desert – link

Visit my SUBSTACK : – Enjoy!

You’re always welcome!

The goal of this publication is to inform humanity. Nothing in this publication should be interpreted as investment advice. Texan Gold Real Estate, LLC – Remember to always do your due diligence. Do not rely on my misinformed opinion(s). Be careful with your money and time, especially in this new, new economy! Make all decisions with caution! *

The complaint department has been permanently closed due to a lack of interest. *

FULL DISCLOSURE: If it seems too good to be true, or the offer you are considering feels at gut level to be a scam, it probably is. There may come a time to cut your losses. Better sooner-than-later. Things never go as planned. I take good advice from a former flying ace who survived.

***** Tips in Bitcoin accepted with extraordinary enthusiasm!


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Just Drones, On-and-On He Does!


Amateur writer, pianist-composer, and denizen of Houston, TX. Email: -> I would be delighted to hear from you!

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