From Great Heights to Big Fails

assorted flavor ice cream on gray metal buffet server

Don’t just dream, of ice cream. – JL *** INVASIÓN DE PANDILLAS LATINAS DE CHICAGO. HACIENDO SENTIDO DE LO QUE ESTÁ PASANDO *** Más de 100 grupos climáticos están presionando a JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup y otros bancos privados para que

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Young at Heart Says Stormy Daniels.

white and yellow cloudy sky over farm lands

El riesgo de guerra es la razón por la que la Fed bajó las tasas en 50 puntos básicos! *** evento con víctimas en masa ** TROPAS ENVIADAS A LA MASACRE EN LA PRÓXIMA GUERRA SANTA! * La FED bajó

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poor bastard a nickel a tube

red and blue slides

…and YOU thought toothpaste presented a problem, that is to say, getting it all back inside! ‘Water Parks are Demonic’, say leading scientists. The fact that weather continues changing despite mathematical models predicting the contrary stumps experts. ****************** Demasiados comodines

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Concrete Swimming Pool’s on Fire!

clear shot glass with tennis ball

Kamala makes a big splash! – No, really! – She does! Unique in her un-likability. Remember making a proposition in a poorly lit bar and having a drink tossed in your face as a response? ***************** La medida menos mala

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Yet another ugly victory makes cold splash!

person surfing

El juego de molienda, desgaste dominado por Rusia. * Cosas malas pueden salir del caos. * Google es un monopolio * Otra victoria fea hace frío splash! * Google dominio de los motores de búsqueda está en el centro del

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Where’s the off-ramp to waterfall illusion sir?

time lapse photography of river

********************** link2source – Pirate Money – Kevin Freeman: Breaking Down the Coming Debt Crisis – Five Undeniable Truths About Money – Palisades Gold Radio * Sound Money ********************** link2source – Venezuela’s Shocking Transformation: BRICS Unleashing Unprecedented Changes! | Alex Krainer

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We’ve only just begun the coup d’état!

high rise buildings

There’s a big future ahead of us if only we could see beyond the horizon. A world without borders is a life without boundaries. Personal autonomy is so passé. And just remember: That sigh that sunk a thousand ships. Once

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Avoid a feud and move on helicopter money

rescue helicopter flying under golden gate bridge

link2source – Biden JUST PISSED OFF 110 million Americans!! – Stephen Gardner link2source – Peter St Onge: Stagflation Is The Best Case Scenario, Inflation Hedges Are Smart To Accumulate – WallStForMainSt link2source – NATO will punish China for Ukraine. Putin

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What profit a man?

narrow residential houses in victorian style

Las organizaciones humanitarias advierten que las enfermedades mortales transmitidas por el agua se propagarán en la zona sitiada si no se permite la entrada de ayuda. – Cólera, enfermedades infecciosas en medio del bloqueo israelí – ESTRANGULAMIENTOS DE ENVÍO Y

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You could already be a big winner!

concrete bridge near buildings

La derrota tiene tu número. * Sin embargo, hay varios puntos potenciales de fracaso, especialmente cuando el volumen necesario de papeletas (de misterio impreso) aumenta exponencialmente. ** ************************************ link2source – A TIPPING POINT ON THE WARS – Harley Schlanger –

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