Young at Heart Says Stormy Daniels.

white and yellow cloudy sky over farm lands

El riesgo de guerra es la razón por la que la Fed bajó las tasas en 50 puntos básicos! *** evento con víctimas en masa ** TROPAS ENVIADAS A LA MASACRE EN LA PRÓXIMA GUERRA SANTA! * La FED bajó

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Office-Plankton, Third World, Problem Caves

orange and brown cave

At home among the stars. Above the rocky journey. The travail is done. Finished for good. Enjoy. The mill wheel turns without. The falling waters of a tearful rock face. Retreat to the cave when the dragon is about. The

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Yet another ugly victory makes cold splash!

person surfing

El juego de molienda, desgaste dominado por Rusia. * Cosas malas pueden salir del caos. * Google es un monopolio * Otra victoria fea hace frío splash! * Google dominio de los motores de búsqueda está en el centro del

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Teleportation, possible now, just like Star Trek.

dinasors with a night sky as a background

Ahora vivimos en un mundo inflacionario; No es probable que regrese al 2%, difícil de medir la inflación con precisión, la política activa de la FED para debilitar el dólar. Plutón, un planeta enano en nuestro sistema solar, está de

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Standby Bomb Shelter Available Given Events.

clear glass beer mug

link2source – Record Gold Buying By Sovereigns Continues in 2023. link2source – FULL STREAM! TRUMP RE-GAGGED! COLORADO KANGAROO COURT! DESANTIS BOOTGATE! CANADA & MORE! VIVA FREI link2source – Which Path to Persia? – Analysis Paper – Number 20, June 2009

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Perfecting the Perfect Storm.

profile of man in fencing suit

The purple cradle, an orbit. Rocket ship of dreams. Waters upon the lap of shore. Beachhead, the impossible. Oceanic bliss and wonder, this mixture. Too late we realize, the crater is dust, where nothing special resides, but stillness. A marble

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find a new groove

american bison standing outdoors

intestinal fortitude – Douglas MacGregor explains its meaning regarding Ukraine * gold could be used to work around the looming debt ceiling crisis, x-date explained * Down-side momentum market trending * Political violence to pierce the veil * Power is

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01 Your Finances When the Music Stops

photo of a statue

Fail Forward! Joe Biden’s Deep, Philosophical Observations, and Zen-inspired Non-attachment to Reality. I admire and applaud former-Senator Joe’s ability and enthusiasm with respect to his letting-go of any and all allusions to all that grounds us collectively to the basic

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