Devastating Pot Flame Boil-Over Spearing Fate.

architectural photography of golden gate bridge san francisco

Contrôlez ceux qui ne se conforment pas à la marque de la bête. * Bitcoin et l’avenir de la liberté financière. * Tous les anciens d’Israël étant venus, les prêtres ont levé l’arche. * link2youtube * En Syrie, les deux

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Oh to Grasp Vastness of the Unknown!

brown rock island on sea water under blue sky during daytime

Están manteniendo USTEDES fuera de equilibrio mientras arman el sistema. * El colapso monetario es inevitable cuando el imperio anglo-estadounidense implosione desde dentro. * hiperinflación. * moneda de platino de 1 trillón * Hoy he recibido varios informes del comandante

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There’s So Much More to IT

clear sky over golden gate bridge

Cambios en el patrón del tiempo que causan estragos a nivel mundial *** Dentro del margen de error en Minnesota *** Fraude electoral en Brasil *** Los principales ataques aéreos rusos destruyen la central de Kiev, dañan otras estaciones ***

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Halted Dead that Minstrels and Old Banana.

old town of dresden

La guerra tiene muchas caras diferentes. – Yon ** Las hambrunas globales están llegando. ** HOP : Presión osmótica humana *** La sombra de la Luna, y los cohetes para viajar allí durante el eclipse. *** Día de Visibilidad Transgénero

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You could already be a big winner!

concrete bridge near buildings

La derrota tiene tu número. * Sin embargo, hay varios puntos potenciales de fracaso, especialmente cuando el volumen necesario de papeletas (de misterio impreso) aumenta exponencialmente. ** ************************************ link2source – A TIPPING POINT ON THE WARS – Harley Schlanger –

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No Credibility, Credit, Problem; None!

landscape photography of rocky mountain

No Credibility. Credit. Never a Problem. Not a problem. None! – World to change. Forever. Just you wait while standing there looking stupid. Dumfounded. – But I think I can help you. Society disintegrates. Don’t give yourself too much credit

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Systemic Fail with Hammer-Handed Turnip

gold christmas ball decor

Peace strategy can lead to PEACE; while a War strategy cannot help but NOT. So, gather your turnips with a heavy hand. Frisky clothes and a tight-fitting outlook. Avoid conflict while Mars is in Aquarius and watch the fractal undulations

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focus on the good of the collective

panoramic photo of city skyline

At this stage of the Ukrainian war, deception is all that’s left for the Kiev regime and Zelenskyy. ‘Courage and Leadership are in Short Supply’ – Sasha Stone link2source – Sasha Stone – Biden’s America – A Society That Has

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A Jet’s Flight Hurdling Headlong into Oblivion.

woman standing near white dome building

Are you still on board? The system crashes with your dreams inside. Regime-Change in the United States to be Accomplished! It’s all about the energy, and who has it! ************************** link2source – WE ARE IN A GREAT DEPRESSION link2source –

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