Your Genius May Yet Exceed Your Beauty!

ancient marble statue in shadow

*** link2source – Trump Claims Putin ‘Destroying Russia’ While Ukrainian Troops are the Ones Crumbling w/ Mark Sleboda – Rachel Blevins@RachelBlevins ** Ukraine * *** link2source – Trump’s Sh*tcoin vs. Bitcoin: Literature, Family, and Politics with Robert Breedlove (WiM547) –

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Timing is hard to predict.

time lapse photography of cars on road

*** le gouvernement conservateur – Mouvement conservateur (mouvement politique) – the conservative government – Conservative movement (political movement) la garde royale – the royal guard cet homme fatigué – this tired man bien vivant – alive and well *** tout

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Earth’s curving space envelopes planet’s past.

body of water during dawn

Quid sentiam scire de sideras? – What do I think I know about the stars? *** Future I, Indicative, Active OR 1. Person Sg. Present Active Subjunctive – sentiam, senties, sentiet – sentiemus, sentietis, sentient *** scire – scio, scis,

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Revolutionary Week Paradigm Baku Oil

coconut trees under blue sky at daytime

No todo lo que tiene valor está ligado a la fisicalidad. * El ojo de todo lo que se ve está impreso en el dólar EE.UU. * Nixon: U.S. imprimió más dólares que oro para respaldarlos. ** ****************************** Spanish Quid

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Universally True Absolute Good Energy


Mientras tanto, un ángel vestido de seda púrpura camina entre las estrellas llevando el destino de alguien en su ala. – El firmamento cósmico cambia a un tono diferente. * Su plan para robar todo de usted. * Cómo las

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Young at Heart Says Stormy Daniels.

white and yellow cloudy sky over farm lands

El riesgo de guerra es la razón por la que la Fed bajó las tasas en 50 puntos básicos! *** evento con víctimas en masa ** TROPAS ENVIADAS A LA MASACRE EN LA PRÓXIMA GUERRA SANTA! * La FED bajó

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poor bastard a nickel a tube

red and blue slides

…and YOU thought toothpaste presented a problem, that is to say, getting it all back inside! ‘Water Parks are Demonic’, say leading scientists. The fact that weather continues changing despite mathematical models predicting the contrary stumps experts. ****************** Demasiados comodines

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Debate Government Allocate Welfare to Do.

high rise buildings in new york city

Big Government on the back foot. The engineered crisis continues with the power of the purse. The world is always changing and evolving. Always. Stasis is not an option. link2source – We are running out of other peoples money says

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Sit Down with the Psychiatrist.

suv traveling on road near flatiron building

El equipo que es bueno en romper cosas; no es bueno en crear cosas. ****************************************************** Lincoln, New Hampshire:  Set in the White Mountains, large portions of the town are within the White Mountain National Forest. The Appalachian Trail crosses the western and northeastern parts

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