Christmas and New 2025 to ALL!

man riding blue snow ski scooter

Je me souviens de ce que ce pays était et d’où il était meilleur. * Le Grand Dessein existe et c’est une chose terrible à voir ! * L’Amérique est-elle déjà socialiste ? * link2YOUtube – KOURSK, TRÈS MAUVAISE NOUVELLE

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big plans devastating reality Bitcoin

man standing on empty road under beautiful sky

La Corte Suprema de Nevada dictaminó que las papeletas sin matasellos que llegan tres días después del día de las elecciones deben ser contadas. – Israel se desmorona contra Irán y Hezbollah – ¡Ucrania se desmorona! – Ciclos inconscientes colectivos

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Fog of War’s Foggy Bottom

aerial photography of cloudy mountain

El genocidio está en todas partes *** El dinero que podría haberles ayudado a comenzar a recuperarse de la completa devastación de sus vidas está pagando para que los guatemaltecos se acuesten en el Hotel Roosevelt y pidan quesadillas y

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The Insurrection was a Riot of a Piece!

man in black shirt standing on top of mountain drinking coffee

censura sobre el oro *** Las mejores cosas en la vida son transitorias. *** Ensalada de palabras en lugar de análisis en la Reserva Federal. **** Si todo es más caro ahora, ¿no significa eso que hay inflación? ** Las

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Criminal Organization. Elect a Fool’s Errand.

ta prohm temple in cambodia

Divide and Conquer. Rinse. Repeat. Stop finding fault with incompetence because the economic system is – just fine, thank you very much! – I’m slightly offended: said the Canadian after learning his bank account was frozen for political reasons. Criminal

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The Media Distortion Field

the museo soumaya in mexico city

Beyond a constitutional crisis: dictatorial ‘president’ prosecutes his political rivals. Escape the Media Distortion Field. Rule-of-law, just a part of history. Read about it in dusty books. Magna Carta not worth the paper its written on and destined for the

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Dare to Think – Truth is Always New!


the dog days of inquiry – learn to trust you subjective reality! * Subjective Reality: of or relating to the essential being of that which has substance – this differs from the dictionary definition – JL * link2source – Zelenskyy

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A Little Skepticism; and You’re Halfway There.

a hanging dragon decoration

Ukraine: It’s all over but the shouting. Victory will not be Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s. Ukraine will be chopped up like a fine steak. The ‘Fat Lady’ is getting ready to go out onto the stage and sing. Will Poland’s forces roll

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