Living in the Web of Lies

flattering flag of united states of america

Turbo Banana-Republic; Welcome to the Future. We’ve collectively worked hard to get here. ********************************************************** Fracaso e incompetencia del servicio secreto con respecto al mitin de Pensilvania de Trump. * Uno de los países políticamente más violentos del mundo. * El

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Leaving LA and Striking Out on Your Own

green tree

link2source – WHITE LA. RESIDENTS WIN RIGHT TO SPLIT FROM BLACK CONTROLLED BATON ROUGE AND FORM THEIR OWN CITY – 5-year court battle lead to new town called St. George, LA (Upon incorporation, it became the fifth largest city in

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wild fire plied sell-fleshly droid adversity

lincoln memorial in nyc

and, F.J.B ********************************************** El oro probablemente está infravalorado, cuando se ajusta a la inflación, el oro no está en un máximo histórico. *** La OTAN no es solo un negocio, sino un ecosistema, al igual que Apple, inc. *** Una

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