Devastating Pot Flame Boil-Over Spearing Fate.

architectural photography of golden gate bridge san francisco

Contrôlez ceux qui ne se conforment pas à la marque de la bête. * Bitcoin et l’avenir de la liberté financière. * Tous les anciens d’Israël étant venus, les prêtres ont levé l’arche. * link2youtube * En Syrie, les deux

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Rocky Flats on the Rocks

gray rocky cliff

We’re at the TOP. Altitude blinds you. Look down at your own risk. Musk doesn’t need rockets to reach for the stars. At the top of our form. Flying high, we walk about the cabin. The folly of Afghanistan and

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Enemies, Friends, and People on the Fence.

the monastery in petra in jordan

Enemigos, amigos y gente en la valla. * Son las pequeñas cosas a las que hay que prestar atención. * La oligarquía decide el destino de la nación. * Los de arriba no quieren un presidente fuerte de EE.UU. *

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Just Playing Around Kristallnacht

ice cubes

It’s a black-and-white thing! Meaning: as clear as black and white, no gradient shades of nuance here! *** Delegados fraudulentos Enviar a la OMS ? Organización Mundial de la Salud *** La aplicación del proyecto de ley contra el antisemitismo

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waving goodbye to peace, an old friend

speeding train time lapse photo

REGRESO AL JUICIO POR ASESINATO DE 1995 *** La Tercera Guerra Mundial y el alto precio del oro *** Israel ahora es un paria internacional. *** ********************************************************** link2source – Gaza War, A Setup: The End of Israel as We Know

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No Credibility, Credit, Problem; None!

landscape photography of rocky mountain

No Credibility. Credit. Never a Problem. Not a problem. None! – World to change. Forever. Just you wait while standing there looking stupid. Dumfounded. – But I think I can help you. Society disintegrates. Don’t give yourself too much credit

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