It’s Gonna Go Bust Socio-economically!

gray concrete building on snow field

Repasar el escenario en el que las cosas podrían ir mal. -** La carga de la deuda se incrementará astronómicamente. * Dinero inteligente está comprando oro. ** ************* link2source – TEXIT – Late Night Coffee Talk: TEXIT Q&A – Texas

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Universally True Absolute Good Energy


Mientras tanto, un ángel vestido de seda púrpura camina entre las estrellas llevando el destino de alguien en su ala. – El firmamento cósmico cambia a un tono diferente. * Su plan para robar todo de usted. * Cómo las

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Tune in to the Dollar Death Spiral

low angle photograph of pyramid glass during calm weather

Navegación Descenso de Energía * Monitoreo del canario en la mina de carbón, es decir, Alex Jones retirado de las plataformas sociales y la Primera Enmienda de la Constitución. * ¿Por qué son los Boomers el peor? Un diagnóstico de

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Social cooperation urban settings plague

people across on intersection

Me esfuerzo cada día para ser el tipo de chico que su madre le advirtió. *** La plaga de la sobreabundancia conduce a la disolución de la sociedad. * Los regímenes comunistas siempre luchan contra la religión organizada. * La

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Just get to tomorrow already make it stop.

craftsmanship at iron making village in vietnam

Las electoras y electores recibirán cuatro papeletas electorales para elegir a cada una de las autoridades. – link – *** El patrón oro no elimina el ciclo económico. *** Primero que nada, Trump aún no ha ganado. Todavía necesitamos un

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big plans devastating reality Bitcoin

man standing on empty road under beautiful sky

La Corte Suprema de Nevada dictaminó que las papeletas sin matasellos que llegan tres días después del día de las elecciones deben ser contadas. – Israel se desmorona contra Irán y Hezbollah – ¡Ucrania se desmorona! – Ciclos inconscientes colectivos

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The Moment We Met.

yellow and brown house painting

************** El momento en que nos conocimos. * Dinero por edicto * la fuerte caída del precio de los bonos de la deuda  * Las fuerzas del mal trabajan para destruir a la humanidad y la población de la Tierra.

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Don’t worry about money.

glass with water droplets

La caída de los precios de los bonos pone en tela de juicio el sistema bancario. ** Los signos de desesperación crecen. * China e India resuelven la disputa. Ucrania sale de soldados, entra en Francia. Austin en Kiev. Kamala

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Pocket your collapsed dystopia.

photo of gray and teal boat on seashore

El asesinato político no cambiará el curso de los acontecimientos. * Ser un ser humano con corazón. * Cree tus ojos mentirosos. * Corea del Norte para salvar Kursk. Putin responde a la amenaza de Elensky OTAN. Alemania otorga Biden

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More Time to Loot the Treasury

astronaut photography

************** el objetivo de capturar imágenes en un momento decisivo o conmovedor *** La burbuja de todo termina en un colapso monetario. *** posesión demoníaca. Y luego está toda la propaganda acerca de la posesión demoníaca. *** PREDICCIÓN: Israel será DESTRUIDO

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Planning Big for Failure!

photo of road with lights at night

***************************************** La única constante es la guerra. *** La ‘Tierra de los Libres’ en California, donde se rechazan las ofertas por las opiniones políticas del solicitante. *** La policía se orienta según su afiliación política. *** ***************************************** link2source – Trump

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Fog of War’s Foggy Bottom

aerial photography of cloudy mountain

El genocidio está en todas partes *** El dinero que podría haberles ayudado a comenzar a recuperarse de la completa devastación de sus vidas está pagando para que los guatemaltecos se acuesten en el Hotel Roosevelt y pidan quesadillas y

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Waves, VIBES, and Tunnel Vortex.

blurred motion shot of people walking

************* Ella tiene buena intuición! *** El juego final es inflacionista. *** Toda la costa este LISIADO SOBRE HUELGA DE TRABAJADORES DEL MUELLE! *** trabajadores portuarios diezmados por la inflación *** un día de huelga provoca cinco días de retrasos

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From Great Heights to Big Fails

assorted flavor ice cream on gray metal buffet server

Don’t just dream, of ice cream. – JL *** INVASIÓN DE PANDILLAS LATINAS DE CHICAGO. HACIENDO SENTIDO DE LO QUE ESTÁ PASANDO *** Más de 100 grupos climáticos están presionando a JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup y otros bancos privados para que

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Young at Heart Says Stormy Daniels.

white and yellow cloudy sky over farm lands

El riesgo de guerra es la razón por la que la Fed bajó las tasas en 50 puntos básicos! *** evento con víctimas en masa ** TROPAS ENVIADAS A LA MASACRE EN LA PRÓXIMA GUERRA SANTA! * La FED bajó

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poor bastard a nickel a tube

red and blue slides

…and YOU thought toothpaste presented a problem, that is to say, getting it all back inside! ‘Water Parks are Demonic’, say leading scientists. The fact that weather continues changing despite mathematical models predicting the contrary stumps experts. ****************** Demasiados comodines

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John Ritter to Live on in Memory

chocolate drink filled clear glass cup

El gato que comía el canario. Todo el buen humor se basa en la verdad! ********************************** If it’s on television, it’s real! ****************** link2source – Learn Why Republicans Are Seriously Considering Making Trump Speaker Of The House – Alex Jones

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Debate Government Allocate Welfare to Do.

high rise buildings in new york city

Big Government on the back foot. The engineered crisis continues with the power of the purse. The world is always changing and evolving. Always. Stasis is not an option. link2source – We are running out of other peoples money says

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Hard Times Make Great Men

stacked of stones outdoors

El sesgo de normalidad de los ‘ganadores’ continúa. *** Los tiempos difíciles hacen grandes hombres. * El culto se destruirá a sí mismo. * Sindicato del crimen de la industria nuclear un callejón sin salida. * ******************** Both Productivity and

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Office-Plankton, Third World, Problem Caves

orange and brown cave

At home among the stars. Above the rocky journey. The travail is done. Finished for good. Enjoy. The mill wheel turns without. The falling waters of a tearful rock face. Retreat to the cave when the dragon is about. The

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Rocky Flats on the Rocks

gray rocky cliff

We’re at the TOP. Altitude blinds you. Look down at your own risk. Musk doesn’t need rockets to reach for the stars. At the top of our form. Flying high, we walk about the cabin. The folly of Afghanistan and

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Carpe diem…And all that Jazz.

grayscale photo of piano tiles

“enjoy, seize, use, make use of” – Carpe diem. ***************** Las reglas han cambiado. * Scion RFK Jr. apoya a Trump, terminando con la candidatura presidencial. Los miembros de la familia Kennedy llamaron “traición” al respaldo de Trump por parte

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Sit Down with the Psychiatrist.

suv traveling on road near flatiron building

El equipo que es bueno en romper cosas; no es bueno en crear cosas. ****************************************************** Lincoln, New Hampshire:  Set in the White Mountains, large portions of the town are within the White Mountain National Forest. The Appalachian Trail crosses the western and northeastern parts

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Concrete Swimming Pool’s on Fire!

clear shot glass with tennis ball

Kamala makes a big splash! – No, really! – She does! Unique in her un-likability. Remember making a proposition in a poorly lit bar and having a drink tossed in your face as a response? ***************** La medida menos mala

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Oh to Grasp Vastness of the Unknown!

brown rock island on sea water under blue sky during daytime

Están manteniendo USTEDES fuera de equilibrio mientras arman el sistema. * El colapso monetario es inevitable cuando el imperio anglo-estadounidense implosione desde dentro. * hiperinflación. * moneda de platino de 1 trillón * Hoy he recibido varios informes del comandante

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Yet another ugly victory makes cold splash!

person surfing

El juego de molienda, desgaste dominado por Rusia. * Cosas malas pueden salir del caos. * Google es un monopolio * Otra victoria fea hace frío splash! * Google dominio de los motores de búsqueda está en el centro del

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It’s Just So Wrong So To Endeavor

grayscale photo of barn

La inflación es el impuesto de menor resistencia. * El mundo funciona a crédito. * Aplicación formal del acuerdo oficioso sobre la justicia aplicada por motivos de raza. * Usando Bitcoin para pagar la deuda federal. * Al borde de

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New Info Forum Formation Forex Four Two

train running on train track under gray sky at daytime

link2source – Greg Mannarino: Policy From Governments & Central Banks Leading To Neo Serfdom & Neo Feudalism? – WallStForMainSt link2source – Markets, Economics, & Rising Authoritarianism: David Collum’s Insight – link2source – Collapsing Money Supply to Cause Recession in 2025

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Where’s the off-ramp to waterfall illusion sir?

time lapse photography of river

********************** link2source – Pirate Money – Kevin Freeman: Breaking Down the Coming Debt Crisis – Five Undeniable Truths About Money – Palisades Gold Radio * Sound Money ********************** link2source – Venezuela’s Shocking Transformation: BRICS Unleashing Unprecedented Changes! | Alex Krainer

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Rushing An Oblivious Can-can Kamala canto!

landscape photography of mountains and sky

la entropía hecha visible. *** No hay paz ni prosperidad mientras el pantano gobierna *** Los medios de comunicación orwellianos se asustan por la atribución del zar *** Cómo influirá la agitación política de los EEUU en Ucrania; John Mearsheimer,

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Head-off heads of state and vulnerabilities!

a colorful ball with a rainbow in the middle

link2source – Larry C. Johnson & fmr. Secret Service Larry Cunningham on the Failed Assassination of Donald Trump – Dialogue Works link2source – The Ugly Truth About Long-Term Antidepressant Use #antidepressantsideeffects #psychmeds #depression – Dr. Josef link2source – My Best Interview w/John Rubino.

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We’ve only just begun the coup d’état!

high rise buildings

There’s a big future ahead of us if only we could see beyond the horizon. A world without borders is a life without boundaries. Personal autonomy is so passé. And just remember: That sigh that sunk a thousand ships. Once

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Smell the coffee, wake up, hold your PIECE, and…

person sitting near table with teacups and plates

Vote now, forever holster your PIECE! The glass-mirror ceiling over the bed cracks at the sight! The Sword Sting glows white hot. It’s cackling-Kamala! Who invited Kamala to our carefully curated breakfast? – the distaste of an uninvited guest, I

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Living in the Web of Lies

flattering flag of united states of america

Turbo Banana-Republic; Welcome to the Future. We’ve collectively worked hard to get here. ********************************************************** Fracaso e incompetencia del servicio secreto con respecto al mitin de Pensilvania de Trump. * Uno de los países políticamente más violentos del mundo. * El

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Home Prices Falling: Florida, Texas, Bubblicious.

colorful sprinkles in tilt shift lens

It’s like candy to a child; delicious. * The dead-cat bounce in the polls for Biden. * Take the candy; fight the war; it will be the death of you. * ******************************************************** Sigues siendo tú ahora pero mucho mejor con

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The New World in Order to Survive

cadillac ranch amarillo texas usa

la miseria que se nos ha infligido, nuestras economías, nuestras culturas y nuestras instituciones. ** Los humanos prefieren la simplicidad a la complejidad. * Hasta que nos volvamos a ver! * sistemas altamente complejos de dinámica interconectada * ELECCIONES DE

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Final Strike of the Communist Take-Over

black wing mirror

Imprime billones de dólares y mira lo que pasa. * ¿Qué es ‘Ser?’ * Y luego los comunistas para controlar todo. * **************************** link2source – Cuss with Gus 07/03/2024 – Rogue News (Rumble) link2source – Aaron Day: “This is the

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Enemies, Friends, and People on the Fence.

the monastery in petra in jordan

Enemigos, amigos y gente en la valla. * Son las pequeñas cosas a las que hay que prestar atención. * La oligarquía decide el destino de la nación. * Los de arriba no quieren un presidente fuerte de EE.UU. *

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Back-to-Back Donald Trump in the BLACK

town by the sea

link2source – WINKLEVOSSES BACK TRUMP, AS BIDEN WAGES WAR ON CRYPTO – Styxhexenhammer666 – Winklevoss Twins Say They Each Gave $1 Million to Trump Presidential Campaign – link – coin desk DOT com – The Winklevoss brothers have become two

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Bull in China Shop Buy Gold

photo of dog statue

El futuro parecerá ciencia ficción. * La Gran Depresión es la única manera de resolver este nivel de deuda. * JANET YELLEN DESTRUYE TODA LA FE QUE QUEDA EN EL SISTEMA FINANCIERO OCCIDENTAL * Ursula von der Leyen : es

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Avoid a feud and move on helicopter money

rescue helicopter flying under golden gate bridge

link2source – Biden JUST PISSED OFF 110 million Americans!! – Stephen Gardner link2source – Peter St Onge: Stagflation Is The Best Case Scenario, Inflation Hedges Are Smart To Accumulate – WallStForMainSt link2source – NATO will punish China for Ukraine. Putin

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Nugget little bite of gold; be bold

airplane in front and night sky

Atrévete a soñar con justicia ciega. Atrévete a soñar con justicia ciega. – link * el dominio electromagnético de las ondas por Rusia * Las agencias de inteligencia estadounidenses temen la influencia EXTRANJERA en la contienda electoral presidencial: la carrera

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Moves to remove the past

fire dancers performing

Gran parte de la carretera de Teton Pass de Wyoming colapsa; no está claro qué tan rápido se puede reconstruir. ********************** link2source – Douglas Macgregor Expose: US Manipulation of Politics on Trump’s Trial & $225M HIMARS aid to Ukraine –

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Without the muck; NO Lotus; Unfolding light.

people standing near highway near vehicles

Evita ser parte del plan. * Dinero en efectivo será prohibido. * Respira profundamente las bendiciones. * Así que la próxima vez que te sientas abrumado o estresado, tómate un momento para respirar profundamente y recordar que este simple acto es una

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Solvents, I’ve got your number, kernel-truth, of.

gray cat near gray vase with sunflower

El Proyecto Ucrania no es enteramente sobre Ucrania. * En 1971 Nixon cerró la Ventana de Oro. * ************ Using volatile compounds, to be honest, may not relieve the pressure cooking. We’re running hot and that’s not good, operationally, or

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NO opine CENT dissent descending

three vehicles parked beside concrete building

Si vas a matar al rey, será mejor que mates al rey. * nuestro orden social civil * no ha probado sus cargos * Acaba de marcar el récord al reportaje más breve de la historia. * Rusia bloquea el Sistema

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The Ultimate Control System Rose Law Firm

ornamental turquoise archway in magnificent indian palace

¡El poder fluye con el dinero y el dinero es oro! ** Según los informes, Trump miró hacia adelante inmóvil mientras se leía el veredicto. ** Manipulación de bonos del Tesoro * Alvin Bragg no ha probado sus cargos. *

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Free-Fall Dollar Dead Man Walking!

white airplane reflection on car side mirror

Estanflación, desinflación, deflación rara, hiperinflación. * La estanflación (calco del inglés: stagflation, palabra compuesta a partir de stagnation, estancamiento, e inflation, inflación) indica el momento o coyuntura económica en que, dentro de una situación inflacionaria, se produce un estancamiento o la recesión de la economía, a la vez que persiste

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global mediocrity institutional memory hole

red and orange galaxy illustration

Y cree en tus ojos mentirosos con respecto a la inflación y cómo te está afectando. * mediocridad global agujero de memoria institucional * Posibles puntos ciegos hacia noviembre, es decir, ¿dónde están los posibles cisnes negros? * Viviendo en

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The Insurrection was a Riot of a Piece!

man in black shirt standing on top of mountain drinking coffee

censura sobre el oro *** Las mejores cosas en la vida son transitorias. *** Ensalada de palabras en lugar de análisis en la Reserva Federal. **** Si todo es más caro ahora, ¿no significa eso que hay inflación? ** Las

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Shifting Sands of Zanzibar in Staid Motels

herd of wildebeest running wild

chismes sobre las altas finanzas ** dinero construido sobre la desconfianza ** EE.UU. más susceptibles al colapso ahora entonces la antigua Unión Soviética era antes de su propio colapso, alrededor de 1989. * ingreso universal básico * En Rusia, si

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A liberty survives endive razor wire driverless

green trees near beach water

El nuevo traje del emperador. * Una libertad sobrevive endivia alambre de afeitar sin conductor. ** A los demócratas les gusta su trabajo esclavo. Les encanta tener gente en el país con permiso para trabajar pero sin plenos derechos. ***

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Leaving LA and Striking Out on Your Own

green tree

link2source – WHITE LA. RESIDENTS WIN RIGHT TO SPLIT FROM BLACK CONTROLLED BATON ROUGE AND FORM THEIR OWN CITY – 5-year court battle lead to new town called St. George, LA (Upon incorporation, it became the fifth largest city in

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Crisis Accounting for CBDCs

horseshoe bend photo

Contabilidad de crisis Banco Central Monedas digitales. *** Fenómenos económicos oscuros como una mariposa aletea sus alas y genera un huracán en el otro lado del planeta. ***** ¿China comprando oro a escondidas? ***** Siempre considere la realidad cuidadosamente antes

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Just Playing Around Kristallnacht

ice cubes

It’s a black-and-white thing! Meaning: as clear as black and white, no gradient shades of nuance here! *** Delegados fraudulentos Enviar a la OMS ? Organización Mundial de la Salud *** La aplicación del proyecto de ley contra el antisemitismo

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maleable faltering marxist dollar

closeup of bit coins in a green light

¡El dinero nunca se detendrá por el PROYECTO UCRANIA! *** maleable dólar marxista vacilante **** Aprende cómo el estado profundo planea lanzar una guerra racial en Estados Unidos **** Post-humanism not all it’s cracked out to be! ************************* link2source –

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Never take a shot at it. Shot-free!

canyon arizona

El crédito es un insumo necesario para la agricultura moderna. – Sacar a la luz la verdad. – POR QUÉ EL COLAPSO DE ESTADOS UNIDOS SERÁ MUCHO PEOR QUE EL COLAPSO DE LA UNIÓN SOVIÉTICA. – estás en el menú.

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E-Safety Lie, a big one.

Today, legalized theft is just the beginning. link2source – Julie Inman Grant – (born 1968 or 1969) is an American[2][3] public servant who is currently serving as the eSafety Commissioner, a role in which she leads Australia’s independent regulator for online safety. – Wikipedia

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Cog in the Machine pirouette

Alemania es una economía en declive industrial. * ¿Por qué es tan débil la economía alemana? – La industria del gran país europeo vive en el pasado y ese declive acaba teniendo consecuencias, sobre todo políticas. link2source – ** Engranaje

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A Swarm of Drones Attacked ME of all people!

lobster shack

El plan ‘B’ claramente es oro. * ¡Un enjambre de zánganos me atacó entre toda la gente! ** Los zánganos son las abejas machos de una colmena; se desarrollan en celdas más grandes que las obreras, de 6,5 mm (Milímetro) de diámetro y proceden de huevos sin fecundar

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Velo Ins and assassin outlays

american radiator building on street

********************** And I’m everywhere pretty! Velo Ins and assassin outlays; Streetlights on a movie scene, cinematographically lacking direction, substance. Bio lens stringed instruments; Peer into the microphone and speak your heart, bylines. Someday your a star but not too soon

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Israel, Minus the End Times

a scenic view of the bc place stadium and vancouver skyline at night

La ficción y la realidad a menudo pueden mezclarse. ** similar a la receta de pólvora inventada por los chinos hace tanto tiempo ** cooperación mutua entre personas y grupos en una sociedad, especialmente cuando se trata de la interdependencia

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waving goodbye to peace, an old friend

speeding train time lapse photo

REGRESO AL JUICIO POR ASESINATO DE 1995 *** La Tercera Guerra Mundial y el alto precio del oro *** Israel ahora es un paria internacional. *** ********************************************************** link2source – Gaza War, A Setup: The End of Israel as We Know

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There’s So Much More to IT

clear sky over golden gate bridge

Cambios en el patrón del tiempo que causan estragos a nivel mundial *** Dentro del margen de error en Minnesota *** Fraude electoral en Brasil *** Los principales ataques aéreos rusos destruyen la central de Kiev, dañan otras estaciones ***

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the DEBT-Trap economy that wasn’t

coffee industry drink lunch

La enfermedad permanente de la obsesión ciega con la tecnología. ***************************** WW III link2source – Governments Sleepwalking into Debt Trap with Alasdair Macleod – TFinance -04-05-2024 link2source – Economic Reset: Ray Dalio‘s Warning On Money, Power, Chaos, WW3 & The

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wild fire plied sell-fleshly droid adversity

lincoln memorial in nyc

and, F.J.B ********************************************** El oro probablemente está infravalorado, cuando se ajusta a la inflación, el oro no está en un máximo histórico. *** La OTAN no es solo un negocio, sino un ecosistema, al igual que Apple, inc. *** Una

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Halted Dead that Minstrels and Old Banana.

old town of dresden

La guerra tiene muchas caras diferentes. – Yon ** Las hambrunas globales están llegando. ** HOP : Presión osmótica humana *** La sombra de la Luna, y los cohetes para viajar allí durante el eclipse. *** Día de Visibilidad Transgénero

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Opposed to the Opposition Checked Balance

person riding a kick scooter on a bridge

LA DEMOCRACIA AMERICANA HA MUERTO. * El objetivo es destruir la economía y empobrecerte. * Para cambiar la dirección de (un velero) para cambiar la dirección de (un velero) : tack (verb) * Los BRICS son una bola de demolición

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Death by a Thousand Cuts Bridge

close up shot of a baltimore oriole bird perched on the branch

El gobierno federal pagará el costo total de la reconstrucción de ese puente. * Los contribuyentes pagarán la factura para que las compañías de seguros no investiguen. * Las compañías de seguros no pagan. * Un ataque estratégico absolutamente brillante.

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Miss She IN Session Sanctum IS Sanctimonious.

low angle view of the vessel at hudson yards

8 de abril. eclipse solar y su simbolismo con una sombra de oscuridad. * La aceleración acelera hacia la singularidad. ** robar las elecciones *** Persecución política nunca antes vista. **** ********************************************************************************* link2source – Bob Coleman: Chinese, Indian & Non

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AID to Southern Border, Ukraine’s.

buildings under blue sky

link2source – Russia fires 31 missiles (AP: World News) at Kyiv in the first attack in weeks as people scramble for cover in subway – Leo Varadkar Resigns. Jake in Kiev. Ukraine & Poland, one country. Scholz, Russia not strong.

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What profit a man?

narrow residential houses in victorian style

Las organizaciones humanitarias advierten que las enfermedades mortales transmitidas por el agua se propagarán en la zona sitiada si no se permite la entrada de ayuda. – Cólera, enfermedades infecciosas en medio del bloqueo israelí – ESTRANGULAMIENTOS DE ENVÍO Y

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You could already be a big winner!

concrete bridge near buildings

La derrota tiene tu número. * Sin embargo, hay varios puntos potenciales de fracaso, especialmente cuando el volumen necesario de papeletas (de misterio impreso) aumenta exponencialmente. ** ************************************ link2source – A TIPPING POINT ON THE WARS – Harley Schlanger –

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Let’s be Best Friends ’till the END.

apartment buildings in city

No todos los aviones son estructuralmente sólidos. * ESTRUCTURAS AERONÁUTICAS * La parte estructural se puede considerar de lo mas importante en la aeronáutica, pues los diseños propuestos por la aerodinámica y la parte térmica están limitados por la resistencia

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Teleportation, possible now, just like Star Trek.

dinasors with a night sky as a background

Ahora vivimos en un mundo inflacionario; No es probable que regrese al 2%, difícil de medir la inflación con precisión, la política activa de la FED para debilitar el dólar. Plutón, un planeta enano en nuestro sistema solar, está de

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Another Episodic Day Decentralized Happenings

drone shot of monte fitz roy

Gabriel Caamaño: por qué resolver el frente fiscal será clave para el dólar y la economía que viene – link * Rusia hoy no es lo que era la Unión Soviética. Sin embargo, Estados Unidos hoy es lo que solía

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And So Much More Less & Lesser Socialism

castle on cliff

¿Está luchando para elegir entre el empleo a tiempo completo, convertirse en un contratista independiente, o equilibrar una combinación de ambos? El ajuste adecuado será único para usted: sus objetivos personales, su tolerancia al riesgo y sus aspiraciones financieras actuales

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Yes, my little wheels are a-turnin’ – Dammit Janet!

photo of golden cogwheel on black background

Cultural myths debunked here. – Mitos culturales desacreditados aquí. * Acción de precio; Está subiendo porque está subiendo. * La verdad es empujada a los márgenes por la tecnocracia corporativa. * Cada mentira que decimos tiene una deuda con la

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I’ve been doing this for years.

city view during night

Las políticas “verdes” son crecimiento negativo, haciendo menos eficientes los recursos energéticos. * Colapso de la producción de riqueza real. ** Estados Unidos ahora es un campo de batalla, incluyendo en NYC Subway System según el Gobernador de NY. –

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Citizens for Sound Money One for All!

white mercedes benz interior design

La idea misma de la república americana está bajo ataque por los globalistas y no es un accidente. *** La ayuda prestada a Ucrania en los últimos años ha estado vinculada a un drástico programa de ajuste estructural que requiere

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Things to Know Before Visiting Montmartre

montmartre in paris france

Para destruir una sociedad de abajo hacia arriba, usar fronteras abiertas, ¡funcionará! ** El Alcalde de la Ciudad de Nueva York (NYC), Eric Adams, pareció retractarse de las leyes migratorias que fueron implementadas como resultado de ser considerada una ciudad

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Deflect and Defend the Nation

landscape photography of phewa lake

Pensamientos que se disipan como antimateria. * ¿Y POR QUÉ LO RESOLVERIA TODO? ** Desviar y defender la nación. *** Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.  Cicero – 81 CICERO QUOTES ON LIFE, PHILOSOPHY, WISDOM ************* link2source

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Trucker NO-GO New York


No bananas on the shelves in the capital of the banana republic. * No hay plátanos en las estanterías de la capital de la república bananera. *** link2source – New York is the Next Wasteland! GTFO! * ¡Nueva York es

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masterful at muddying the waters

busy city street in tropical town at night

BAMA! Whama! – Oh MY Third Term BAMA! * maestro en enturbiar las aguas ** look fabulous be fabulous *** ¿Cómo lograr un look fresco y fabuloso? ¡Con vestidos! * ¡El calzado que le dará un toque femenino a tus

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We saw it coming; tried to warn you; too late.

aerial photography of ships

el diablo está en los detalles ** demasiado tarde ** traté de advertirte ** Explotando un esquema Ponzi ** link2source – Chaos usually ends quickly. Organized chaos does not. Therefore, it is not true chaos. – Also, Pentagon PANICS as

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Ukraine’s Borderlands Borders Less Mexico

footpath in fog on swamp

Kind of a mysterious pond where a dragon might hang out.* Ukraine as a ‘borderland‘ & East versus West as guns are drawn Epic Wester-Movie style. ** ¿Quién va a querer hacer negocios en Nueva York después de la decisión

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Sophistication didn’t work out!

low angle of eiffel tower paris

Google suspende la creación de imágenes de personas con IA tras error. *** Google anunció el jueves que interrumpía un servicio para crear imágenes de personas mediante la inteligencia artificial (IA), después de que el programa representara a tropas de

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Biden Boarder Crisis Differential Enforcement

moulin rouge

Imponer restricciones insanas sobre la base de puntos de conversación ficticios. * Altos alquileres en edificios abandonados en la ciudad por la bahía. ** link2source – SOMETHING IS WONG IN SAN FRANCISCO – Styxhexenhammer666 – High Rents in Derelict Buildings

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Piglets and a Sow ENTER A BAR together.

passing train on the tracks

Hint: They’re not wearing pearls! – Free drinks for girls. – said the bartender. He continued: Just don’t make an ewe of yourselves. Lucky for you, said the sow, that the plural of ewe is ewe or ewes. And, she

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Land of the FREE STUFF

an angel statue on the wall

link2source – Alexey Navalny – Trailer Trash Tim – 2-20-24 link2source – ‘You Want To Put Ukraine First?’: Rand Paul Explodes At Democrats And Republicans Over Foreign Aid LINK2SOURCE – The Mysteries of Central Banking and the National Debt. WHAT

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Debt Money: Now what do I do?

gold coins in close up photography

link2source – BBN, FEB 17, 2024 – TRUMP PERSECUTED BY LAWLESS TYRANTS… link2source – TRUMP VERDICT, NEWS, MICHAEL FLYNN, X CENSORSHIP link2source – INFLATION ALERT – Trucker Boycotts – Red Sea Attacks (Fed Must Print) – Smart Silver Stacker link2source

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FREE Admission! No Audition! And Submission.

white smoke of a space craft

Unencumbered assets are the best; better than money in the bank. * Los activos no comprometidos son los mejores; mejores que el dinero en el banco. ** armas basadas en el espacio * Mercados de materias primas manipulados; de los

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Max Factor of Destruction and Collapse

grayscale photo of a rocket ship

We are busy destroying our own country and we need all the help we can get! – ¡Estamos ocupados destruyendo nuestro propio país y necesitamos toda la ayuda que podamos conseguir! El Oeste está colapsando desde adentro. Sistema de Bombardeo

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New and Newer Scams

green grass during sunset

PSYOP * Gotcha * What if the AMOC stops running? ** *** Deindustrialization inflation and sacrifice for war with Russia – desindustrialización inflación y sacrificio por la guerra con Rusia *** Ukraine to become a neutral buffer zone according to

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Tuck me in Tucker’s put Putin-o-mics mixology.

a bartender holding a cocktail drink

Thanks for you interest in TEXAS! – Gracias por su interés en TEXAS! – Let’s mix it up, TEXAS! Los demócratas se están derritiendo por la demencia de Bidens y la pérdida de memoria. History never repeats itself; Numbers go

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Clock-ticking ANGST onslaught entropy proxy.

three round silver and gold colored coins

The American people have a right to know! – El pueblo estadounidense tiene derecho a saber! * Clock-ticking against onslaught ANGST entropy proxy. – Reloj-tictac contra ataque ANGST entropía proxy. ** Trick the mind to do the thing you need.

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Assumption to the Cloud & Our Lady of the Perl.

Mental preparedness is important. – La preparación mental es importante. * Post-industrial collapse of human society. – Colapso post-industrial de la sociedad humana. ** Farmers protest laws-regulations from Brussels. – Los agricultores protestan contra las leyes-reglamentos desde Bruselas. *** link2source

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Technological-Corporate Hitmen by Knight

nature beach vacation sand

Situation Explosive on a Scale that is Unappreciated. * Si no es Ucrania, no importa. – If it’s not Ukraine, it doesn’t matter. ** The crime of dissent perpetrated here. – El crimen de disensión perpetrado aquí. *** Silver is

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Hunting Dogs of War Out for Blood!

Southern boarder of U.S. like swiss cheese. – Frontera sur de EE.UU. como el queso suizo.* Hunting Dogs of War Out for Blood! – ¡Perros de guerra en busca de sangre! ** Kamikaze or Samurai stocks? – ¿Acciones kamikaze o

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Take Bank Reserves in-tow Big-Daddy to Flo.

close up photography of computer motherboard

Banking used to be about gold & silver. * The money you think you have, well, there’s only a fraction of it in existence. ** Elon Musk & Neuralink. *** Big-Daddy government will take care of the migrants (illegal aliens).

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On Our Own BOOZE Rendezvous!

time lapse photo of city during night


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End Game First Thing Yesterday!

brown ceramic chinese figurine

It’s Gonna Be a Game-Changer. Stay on Your Swivel Disk. ************ link2source – * Programming is for computers, not people. * YOUR EYE’S DON’T LIE! ANOTHER MK ULTRA INFLUENCER INJECTED WITH BLACK GOO UNDER DEMONIC POSSESSION! * The symbolism is

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An Invasion by Any Other Name…

cadillac ranch amarillo texas usa

link2source – ALEX JONES [4 OF 4] WEDNESDAY 1/24/24 • KATE DALLEY & MEL MATTISON: BANK OF INTERNTIONAL SETTLEMENTS link2source – Tiberius: The Reluctant Emperor – Biographics@Biographics – 2.36M subscribers – 686 videos link2source – Sucker’s Rally: Insiders Sell as Retail

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Moore’s Law – Exponential Growth Curve

snow covered field near a river

Hyperinflation – Stagflation Explained & all the while no buyers for U.S. Treasuries. * The conventional war is lost; now for the guerrilla war with Ukrainian Diaspora. * How many Ukrainian refugees are there and where have they gone? link2source

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A Spectacular Story: Armageddon vs Apocalypse

the wabasha nelson bridge over the mississippi river

Una historia espectacular: Armagedón vs Apocalipsis – Armageddon Defined Federal Government at war with state of Texas over border with Mexico – Gobierno federal en guerra con estado de Texas sobre frontera con México – La Barrera Flotante : México

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The Washington-Reality Bubble Goes POP

beach during golden hour

Hold-to-maturity accounting as opposed to mark-to-market. (Banks and their Bond Portfolio) link2source – Col. Douglas Macgregor: Is Biden Starting a Regional War in The Middle East? – Judge Napolitano – 1-15-2024 – ¿Biden está iniciando una guerra regional en Oriente

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Softly Talking About the Future.

white water boat

All our stuff comes on a ship. If these ships don’t arrive on time we are pretty much toast. Hamas incursion into Israel, Israel-Gaza genocide, Houthis attacking U.S. Vessels. Red Sea in The News in a bad way. getmonero DOT

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Fire Rages Higher; Brighter.

lightning strike

Fake President, War to Yemen, Rubble Rebel Rousers. The debt of depleting munitions sail on. Leaving Israel. Defenseless. Double-down. Feckless shapes like a Pentagon. Rebels’ friends like Hypersonic Missiles. Enter Kh-47M2 Kinzhal from Russia with LOVE. Israel Committed to War

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It’s all relative to the BTC smoke detector.

coastal town and harbor of ketchikan in alaska

The Financial Smoke Detector Indicates the True Value of the USD. (BTC IS Bitcoin: the National Currency of Venezuela) Will BTC (Bitcoin) keep the USD honest, or is it too late for that? – Love America; buy Crypto! Venezuela Replaces

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morning glory pool during a sunny day

Don’t hide from the truth. link2source – Don Durrett: Year Zero – Assessing the Future of America in 2024 link2source – Michael Oliver: Gold & Silver Go Vertical When This Indicator Breaks Trend link2source – Comments on non-USD oil, real

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Cocoanut Bucks on MY Island!

coconut trees under blue sky at daytime

De-value these Cocoanuts! we BUCK the Cocoanuts! Biden: non compos mentis. link2source – GOLDBACK FOUNDER JEREMY CORDON TALKS WITH MIKE ADAMS ABOUT POST-COLLAPSE MONEY… **************************************** Banking Acts of 1863 and 1864 link2source – American Memory – Together, these acts formed

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Tunnels to Victory or Survival!

photo of jellyfish

Ghosts Visit Miser During Holidays RE: The Errors of His Ways. Putin’s winning strategy: keeping Ukraine under the radar. …a day late and a dollar short. link2source – THE TRANS AGENDA IS NWO EVIL link2source – You Won’t Believe The

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24 7 365 : my time spent napping. repeat.

time lapse photo of northern lights

If you don’t like the news, make your own! You don’t get rich by being stupid: ‘Nobody’s Money Safe in the West.’ Never, Never mess with the I.R.S. COLORADO STATE SUPREME COURT DECISION [COULD] BACKFIRE. **************** Attitude de Gagnant La

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It’s so brazen.

antarctic landscape with broken ice on water and frozen mounts

Heaven for criminals. Come to the U.S.A.! No paperwork. No waiting. Electronic Assets to be Seized. It’s so brazen. The very idea of private property. link2source – EPISODE 626: SUPREME COURT COULD OVERTURN TRUMP INDICTMENTS, FREE J6 DETAINEES – Human

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No Credibility, Credit, Problem; None!

landscape photography of rocky mountain

No Credibility. Credit. Never a Problem. Not a problem. None! – World to change. Forever. Just you wait while standing there looking stupid. Dumfounded. – But I think I can help you. Society disintegrates. Don’t give yourself too much credit

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An Overdose of Apathy

old castle on rocky cliff

An overdose of apathy: the hard drug of disillusionment. link2source – Putin Pleased? – Ukraine vs. Gaza – Lloyd Austin’s to Kiev – Murder of Seth Rich | Ray McGovern link2source – Tusk, Poland PM. EU, Russia asset steal. US

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signaled seared, red tinctured, signed delivered

aerial photography of water beside forest during golden hour

Russia not in a hurry to engage NATO. link2source – ALEX JONES [1 OF 4] FRIDAY 12/8/23 OWEN SHROYER SPEAKS AFTER PRISON | TUCKER & ALEX BEHIND THE SCENE link2source – HOW DO I PREPARE AND WHY – Financial Turmoil

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Bracing News to Fa-la-la LOW!

people at train station

America needs a two-state solution! Ghost malls, ghost buildings, ghost president! – Meanwhile, an atmospheric pall of gloom and doom lingers menacingly over the ancient city of Kiev A.K.A. Kyiv, A.K.A. Kievan Rus’. Route from the Varangians to the Greeks.

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WIN AT ALL A.I. COSTS. It’s your savings!

angel of independence statue in mexico city

The footprints in the sand lead to the truth. The world has moved on from the Petrodollar. Elite psychopaths and their psyop ways. Weather report predicts Confetti Dollars. It’s not official until you hear an official denial. Brace for impact.

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MUSK TELLS NWO TO F**K big shiny new!

the museo soumaya in mexico city

…and let’s jump into hyperspace together. Why can Argentina count 25–30 million paper ballots in hours, while blue US swing states take DAYS – link2source. link2source – Housing Market Crash 2024 | John Rubino link2source – Jim Rickards 2024 Election

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Libertarian Hobby Horse Election Ridden Sunsets.

grand prismatic

WAR with MEXICO @ the U.S. Border. link2source – * You lose your soul when you stop believing and trusting in yourself. * Video-Demoralization of America. The Process. The Enemy within. Yuri Bezmenov. Happy Thanksgiving! – Emil Cosman link2source –

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chilean vineyard

End-Stage Globalism Ushered In Style! * Greg Abbott endorses Trump. * link2source – BBN, NOV 14, 2023 – THE HORSEMAN OF THE ECONOMIC APOCALYPSE DRAWS NEAR link2source – BIG CHANGE IN MARKETS – Financial Turmoil Explained link2source – Great show

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It’s All Just Bananas!

space needle and building near

Magical Thinking; the big enchilada. The big-bang model, not cosmology, but a religion. Anti-BDS laws – Anti-BDS laws and resolutions oppose boycotts of Israel. The name comes from the BDS movement, which calls for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel to pressure Israel to meet

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Windmill Mayhem Antarctica Ice-Wall Melt.

sea clouds cloudy lake

Windmill Mayhem Antarctica Ice-Wall Melt. Quadrillions of petro dollars melt into retirement. Death of a slush fund and its appendages brightly reflect the dying sunlight well within the antarctic circle. Woolly mammoth; tusk, tusk, tusk. – 11-10-23 – JL link2source

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Criminal Organization. Elect a Fool’s Errand.

ta prohm temple in cambodia

Divide and Conquer. Rinse. Repeat. Stop finding fault with incompetence because the economic system is – just fine, thank you very much! – I’m slightly offended: said the Canadian after learning his bank account was frozen for political reasons. Criminal

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Peace, Kindness and the hypothesis of Gaia.

people standing and sitting at the open park near buildings

Is logic the same in all time zones? Is logic uniformly distributed throughout the universe? Is planet Earth sentient? – butterfly effect and law of unintended consequences – Just wait for the next engineered crisis! – Be unattached like the

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Standby Bomb Shelter Available Given Events.

clear glass beer mug

link2source – Record Gold Buying By Sovereigns Continues in 2023. link2source – FULL STREAM! TRUMP RE-GAGGED! COLORADO KANGAROO COURT! DESANTIS BOOTGATE! CANADA & MORE! VIVA FREI link2source – Which Path to Persia? – Analysis Paper – Number 20, June 2009

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catastrophe by invitation, off the record, at UN.

aerial photography of road in forest

US, UK, France and Japan vote against UNSC Resolution on Gaza Ceasefire. I can just imagine the horse trading behind the scenes. Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza now a NO GO. IDF Expanding Ground Operations Into Gaza – Posted by Mary Chastain –

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Systemic Fail with Hammer-Handed Turnip

gold christmas ball decor

Peace strategy can lead to PEACE; while a War strategy cannot help but NOT. So, gather your turnips with a heavy hand. Frisky clothes and a tight-fitting outlook. Avoid conflict while Mars is in Aquarius and watch the fractal undulations

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Sell the Brooklyn Bridge!

manhattan bridge seen between buildings

I’ve got a buyer! link2source – Aspects of Confidence link2source – Biden’s build up to war w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live) link2source – ALEX JONES [1 OF 4] WEDNESDAY 10/25/23 • GAZA WAR, NEWS, REPORTS & ANALYSIS • INFOWARS link2source –

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implosion crater – A Magic Place.

Shiva, ‘The Auspicious One’, The Destroyer. NOTE 1 Hezbollah Hezbollah (/ˌhɛzbəˈlɑː/,[36] /ˌxɛz-/; Arabic: حزب الله, romanized: Ḥizbu ‘llāh, lit. ’Party of Allah’ or ‘Party of God’)[37] is a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and militant group,[38][39] led since 1992 by its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. NOTE 3 ***** link2source – US Debt Continuing To Rise As Israel &

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crystal glass on a colorful background

link2source – Tuomas Malinen – We Are In Stage 2 of the Five Stages of Economic Collapse link2source – The Dark Side of the Justice System – Epi-3394 – Jack Spirco link2source – Treasuries and Currencies Melting Down Versus Gold.

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pink lotus flower on the water surface

In Ukraine – a Soviet-Era Electrical Grid that is incompatible with Western parts. The U.S. Dollar is no good here. * It was all engineered to happen. * THE END TIMES ARE NOT SET IN STONE * Bubbling beneath the

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gathering darkness, a maelstrom, then peace…

timelapse of water around a whirlpool in a pond

Time cycles of a computer clock as a metaphor for how the passage of time effects our reality without our realizing it. A.K.A. We are ‘time-sliced’ individuals. link2source – Col Douglas Macgregor: “The Russians Are Annihilating Everything” link2source – With

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focus on the good of the collective

panoramic photo of city skyline

At this stage of the Ukrainian war, deception is all that’s left for the Kiev regime and Zelenskyy. ‘Courage and Leadership are in Short Supply’ – Sasha Stone link2source – Sasha Stone – Biden’s America – A Society That Has

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Economic siege as a tactic of war.

photo of city under cloudy sky

The leaks paint a grim picture of the situation in Ukraine – Misinformation/Disinformation and Inconvenient Truth Battle it Out. Let’s see who wins! U.S. Under Siege by the Ruling Elite Using the Tactics of Full-Spectrum Warfare. dr pete chambers DOT

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Shock Value Served; Small Portions; SENT Surreptitiously.

red blue yellow and white sky lantern lot

Don’t despair, another war is coming! link2source – Luke Gromen: “Peak Cheap Oil and the Global Reserve Currency” | The Great Simplification #91 – Nate Hagens * Peak Oil link2source – Ukraine is so last year. * EU/UK swap out

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The Fastest Turtle to Win the Race.

snow covered mountain

link2source – Gold/Silver: Weapons Against The CBDC Reset | Bill Holter link2source – TRUMPS LEAD SEEMS TO BE GROWING AGAIN link2source – Gaetz makes history. Elensky curse hits McCarthy. EU makes offer to Orban. West out of weapons. U/1 –

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Perfecting the Perfect Storm.

profile of man in fencing suit

The purple cradle, an orbit. Rocket ship of dreams. Waters upon the lap of shore. Beachhead, the impossible. Oceanic bliss and wonder, this mixture. Too late we realize, the crater is dust, where nothing special resides, but stillness. A marble

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Boom Comes Down for Biden


integrity requires transparency. – Illegal Aliens at Eagle Pass & Del Rio, TX : Elon Musk , Unfiltered. Illegal Passing at All Time Highs. link2source – * Replacement Migration * War is “what Yon does.” – WEAPONIZED MIGRATION IN THE

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Free-market capitalism to go the way of the Dodo.

selective focus photography of bali myna perching on branch

The Collapse of Complexity OR of the Complex System Itself OR Controlled Demolition of the System OR ALL THREE?! – Just-In-Time-Production no longer working; as businesses scramble to adjust to the new reality, inflation soars. Hunter Biden for President 2024!

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No Ordinary Men; the Night of the Broken Glass.

perched seagull

A story about Nazi Germany; Christopher R. Browning; Christopher R. Browning is the Frank Porter Graham Professor of History at the University of North Carolina and the author of Ordinary Men and other outstanding works of Holocaust history. He lives

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A Jet’s Flight Hurdling Headlong into Oblivion.

woman standing near white dome building

Are you still on board? The system crashes with your dreams inside. Regime-Change in the United States to be Accomplished! It’s all about the energy, and who has it! ************************** link2source – WE ARE IN A GREAT DEPRESSION link2source –

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This Hostess Undresses Iceberg Lettuce Antartica

photo of an old ship on sea

Ghost slip ships past frozen water. The smog of four and its misty immersion concludes. Based place unfurls on-deck. Sails live. – They’re alive! – they shout, with breath visible from the biting cold. Timbers cannonade timorous dream’s deep, eat

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forever self-reinforcing chamber echo exit

nativity painting of people inside a dome

Now Or Never. Deception, Guile and Deceit. What is thought absolute, now obsolete. Modulating the crisis, and all to good purpose, plays you, a fine piano, likeness of elegance escapes my soul. powers, interwar Chancellor of Germany, a Weimar merry

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Healthy Advice for Good Eating.

old fountain decorated with sculptures

Saturn Devouring His Son The hallucinations just keep getting better and better! The geological record shows that the climate is not stable; nor has it ever been. the great taking DOT com : An amazing book about the future of

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Naked-Short Losses, Unlimited Potential

green and gray evergreen cargo ship

Watch the Controlled Demolition as the Twin Towers Go Into Free Fall. * What are the ‘provable‘ criminal acts committed by President Donald Trump? * link2source – 82nd Brigade last chance. Elensky, impossible choice. Sarkozy, end war. ECOWAS to enter

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Acclamation from Ukraine’s Oligarchs

photo of couple kissing beside statue

“America, we LOVE your money! Send More!” – says Volodymyr Zelenskyy while dancing in high heels. Yes! You have got to see the videos if you haven’t already. Keep the party going! link2source – SEPTEMBER 3, 2023 MUSINGS link2source –

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Nuclear Annihilation Scheduled Next Week

white concrete building under white sky

The overriding emotion is greed; Washington D.C. RE: Ukraine. Greed leads to blindness RE: the obvious truths. link2source – America’s Mayor Live (E226): The Return of the Mask? – Rudy W. Giuliani link2source – Banks Targeting Coin Shops? | Mario

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from seabed to space; full-spectrum warfare

black yellow and white dome

When all else fails, there is always war. link2source – DR. SHIVA UNLEASHES ON THE WHOLE CHARADE – Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai – the big virus hoax DOT com – Dr Shiva Ayyadurai link2source – Musk stopped Starlink act of war.

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Energy monster has its due.

le chateau frontenac in quebec city quebec at winter

Energy monster has its due. Mob’s false dichotomy. Summary justice. Who’s dream survives the circumstance? A vision of shining hypnosis vanishes without a fuss. The winds switch direction. And again, it’s a gasp, gearbox windmill cranks its last. Workings of

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the spaghetti hits the fan

gray concrete building on top of hill

War Powers to be declared so that Biden can ‘win‘. The Uniparty Runs the Show and there’s Money to be Made in War. The price of bonds is falling (contrary to interest rates) and this bodes ill for the banks.

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Moscow Fiddle Sticks, while Kiev Cattails

city skyline sun urban

Caligula Crosses the Rubicon. Cocktail hours while the river waves spread. A river cruise on the Rhine waters red, passes all the while, castles, aplomb. However, Moscow Fiddle Sticks, while Kiev has its cat tails. The crush, the hurry. Bustle.

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It’s All Mind Control – Ashkenazi

brown beige and red concrete house

Cultivate that attitude. Narrative + Paradigm = Narradigm. ******************** link2source – Dollar Is Doomed; Constitutional Money Is The Solution | Patrick Holland – link2source – Banks Sending Letters As Real Estate Takes Them Down link2source – Waterloo Bridge, Sunlight Effect

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The Burning Ridge Bright Orange

yellow building under blue sky

It begins sounding crazy, but then becomes commonplace. Wars are like fires when the wind comes up. Then there’s the courage to not only see it, but say it! Sabotage. link2source – MEDICAL PUSH FOR TRANS MUTILATIONS PROVES WESTERN MEDICINE

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point of no return, quite meaningless, now past

black ship on body of water screenshot

Thresholds, energy levels, and how time works in flashes; with matter creating itself in twenty-two trillionths of a second; this is the nature of time, and how it functions, producing matter, as it is energy, as it brings about life

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kangaroo court buffalo big sky

man on horse and buffalo in river

From the practical, to the ominous. link2source – Germany, cancel AfD. Bolton WSJ: Putin is bluffing, call his bluff with nukes, sanction China. U/1 – Alex Christoforou twitch DOT tv – roguenewstv link2source – BIDENOMICS IS A DISASTER, AND MOST

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celestial sensations draw closer to near-earth

portrait of an american bison standing outdoors

…and that’s NO BULL! Welcome to this near-Earth orbit. Enjoy the ride! About the economy in the era of Bidenomics… “Something is going to break in terms of physical vs paper. We have a dysfunctional global system and it’s going

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IN THE ARCTIC; Kotelny Island; RAZE Iron Curtain

brown building with body of water

It doesn’t matter what you think is true. Keep a lid on the “irregularities.” Close the Iron Curtain. The arsonist is now the fireman. The veil of deceit is not unlike a mask (and it has its purpose.) The process

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see trends before they smack you

aerial photography of cloudy mountain

Global, macro, micro, or whatever; be one of the trend benders and stay ahead of the curve! Your tax dollars spent to demolish history. Mother Ukraine Monument. The globalists don’t want you to know who you are or where you’re

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The Tragic Karma Comes in Waves

city mountains building outside

link – to my substack …and then it leaves in devastation. Humans fungible and global, seven fingers on each hand. Aliens, crossing borders at will, do not need space craft, hardly. Roswell – The aliens have landed. -their little saucer

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Your Managed-Perception Truth Bombs

white cup filled with orange liquid on top of white saucer

Robo-Rights are ready for A.I. Robots. cyborg sentience theocratic pudding ice dries nicely. And then, oh, so especially, twice. – A silk tie in the mirror. Your bright smile, I gotta say, is nice. Robo-Rotor – by James Legare 8-2-23

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city rooftop buildings building

Make Your Present Extraordinary in its Utter Simplicity! Good books are not read so much as they are absorbed! link2source – Why the Dollar is Suddenly Collapsing link2source – Conspiracy & History – Know your history to know you –

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Boots on the Ground and Rus’ for Russia

the chateau de limargue autoire france

Cluster Bombs; still a war crime. ‘Cross-border’ means global rules, i.e. globalization. Eliminate currency competition with crypto crackdown – globally. Madness is rare in individuals, but strikes quite regularly in societies. NOTE 1 Jason Aldean And Refighting America’s Civil War

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in this world but not of it

buildings under cloudy sky during sunset

Shoot for the Moon! in this world but not of it resist cbdc DOT com – a digital version of a country’s national currency thatis issued and backed by the country’s central bank. fam DOT org – FOUNDATION FOR THE

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Matter Over Mind

seven assorted colored rotary telephones

The Mechanistic View Wins Every Time. ENERGY IS THE ECONOMY. Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. – H.L. Menkin link2source – PARENTS VS PEDOS DEFEAT DEPOP

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The Media Distortion Field

the museo soumaya in mexico city

Beyond a constitutional crisis: dictatorial ‘president’ prosecutes his political rivals. Escape the Media Distortion Field. Rule-of-law, just a part of history. Read about it in dusty books. Magna Carta not worth the paper its written on and destined for the

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A Walk on the Beach in Russia

link2source The Sledgehammer of the Russian Summer Offensive is FallingPutin, we have more clusters. Elensky, Russia throwing away resources. Trump, cease and desist. U/2 – Alex Christoforou link2source – Tucker 2024 GOP Summit: Winners and Losers link2source – * Cluster

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Votes for Sale or Let

black and brown wooden plane scale model

Inviting Blowback @ the Speed of Light! Or, better yet; East of the Dnieper, instead of East of Eden, by John Steinbeck. (Could he have written a story based on Ukraine?) Or, just perhaps, The Finest Little War in Ukraine

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Dare to Think – Truth is Always New!


the dog days of inquiry – learn to trust you subjective reality! * Subjective Reality: of or relating to the essential being of that which has substance – this differs from the dictionary definition – JL * link2source – Zelenskyy

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Rose-tinted outlook, self-regard & absorption

woods covered with snow

Our views are balanced and fair. The horizon is limitless, and the storm clouds have departed. Find your destiny and focus on what’s real! Step bravely forward and fight with evil’s lesser cousin. Stiletto Saks Fifth and a saxophone play

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Avoid the Bull’s Eye

arches architecture art baroque

Because you do not want to be in the cross-hairs. This isn’t ‘like a war’, this IS A WAR! But we’ve had at least one big win against Big Tech Censorship with Government Collusion; namely: the decision handed down in

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Sensationalism Sells; BUT Click-Bait Clones!

snow sea dawn landscape

We struggle to understand the latest scam! link2source – Col Macgregor & PBD: Russian Senior Officers are ending it all – Douglas MacGregor link2source – SUPREME COURT CRUSHES LEFTIST DREAMS WITH DECISIONS ON STUDENT LOANS AND FREE ASSOCIATION link2source –

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The Surprises Never Cease

Picture a perfect day in the Castro, S.F., California! – Well, I was there, albeit briefly. link2source – Prigozhin mutiny. Own goal, gift to collective west [COMMENTARY BEFORE PUTIN’S SPEECH]. U/1 – Alex Christoforou link2source – * Hyperinflation * Currency

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Asking Questions Brings You Trouble.

clear glass window with moist effect

No Conspiracy Theories are Required if you just Pay Attention! Figure out The Future of Money; then figure out THE FUTURE OF YOUR MONEY! – “There are a lot of entities out there that are bankrupt, they just don’t recognize

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Look! Las Vegas, NV. On Tropicana St.

welcome to fabulous las vegas nevada led signage

Biden’s Running Out Of Ukraine Money; and thank God! link2source – paywall – substack – Ron Paul – link2SubstackNote – “$100 Billion authorized by Congress to finance the Neocons’ ‘Project Ukraine.’” Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) – BlackRock’s application has increased

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Enforced Mediocrity & Wile E. Coyote Moment

humayun s tomb under blue sky

NOTES, Moment(s) in History Duke of Normandy – * The duchy * In the Middle Ages, the duke of Normandy was the ruler of the Duchy of Normandy in north-western France. – Wikipedia contributors. (2023, June 15). Duke of Normandy. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 12:25,

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The Pain Isn’t Over Just Yet

shallow focus photo of black bird bathing on a water fountain

Fictional Economic Data Bolsters Bidenomics * Secrets of the Deep State Revealed * Stay ahead of the Censorship Curve. * “You give me a piece of ground and a sword and I am going to take back this country with

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Another Conspiracy Theory Proven Correct

Artifact, Prop, Construct Candidate Joe Biden with the Veneer of Moderation * Victor Davis Hanson Suspension of US Debt Limit – “Change, why change? Things are bad enough already” link2source – Alasdair Macleod: Deja Vu? 1971 Suspension of Bretton Woods

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More Monopoly Money Immensity

three flags on a balcony of building

vote for a monkey wrench in the gears – catch lightning in a bottle – AGAIN! – Global labor arbitrage explained below. We will have economic warfare because everyone needs an enemy, plus, we don’t want to pay off the

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cocktail of chaos

bread food cold wood

electric motoring not a panacea Ukraine’s Nova Kakhovka dam ‘blown up’ link2source – Podcast: BRICS Centralized Clearing Ends Dollar Dominance link2source – June 4, 2023 News Roundup link2source – “SABOTAGED DAMS & HONEY-GLAZED HAMS” FT. BCP 6/6/23 link2source – Zerohedge

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uk flag on creased paper

link2source – ALEX JONES RETURNS, BREAKS EXCLUSIVE INTEL ON DEBT-LIMIT DEAL, UKRAINE WAR, SPLC! FULL SHOW 5/29/23 link2source – Ursula, no ceasefire. Duda, Putin has not lost. OPEC cancels MSM? Newsmax, Moscow or Iowa. U/1 – Alex Christoforou link2source –

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stunning and brave, you are

photo of cityscape during night

Total currency collapse is baked into the collapse cake. The ingredients are in; and so are the results. link2source – * The cycle of history repeats again and again. * BBN, MAY 15, 2023 – EPA ANNOUNCES PLAN TO SHUT

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find a new groove

american bison standing outdoors

intestinal fortitude – Douglas MacGregor explains its meaning regarding Ukraine * gold could be used to work around the looming debt ceiling crisis, x-date explained * Down-side momentum market trending * Political violence to pierce the veil * Power is

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Controlled Demolition of the Economy

prague castle district lit up at night

The banks are engaged in an organized retreat. – FinTech – The trend is just beginning. – Life outside your comfort zone. The West is aiming to take control of the Donbass and Crimea. – Sergei Markov link2source – I

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walking through the non-reality

golden angel statue on the dome of the albertinum art museum in dresden germany

Tell yourself the false narrative. Are we really there? Or, here? just as you … imagine the image. If there is no way to authenticate the events that presumably took place, did the events actually happen? Schrödinger’s cat; live or

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The Global Police gets his Dollar Clipped

turkey flag hanging on bridge

U.S. Mint to Debase the Currency/Coinage Further. US government to be buried by gargantuan national debt the greatest witch-hunt of all time – less than benevolent motivations behind this lawsuit – another political hatchet job – weaponized kangaroo courts link2source

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Paris is burning; Just try googling it.

white concrete building

You’d think Paris was on the dark side of the Moon for all the media coverage. Luckily, we still have Twitter. Thanks Elon! link2source – There Will Be Consequences – Enjoy these mild-mannered market days while you can. They won’t

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Fintech: a portmanteau, financial technology

brown concrete dome building at night

ka·mi·ka·ze noun \ ˌkäməˈkäzē – an airplane containing explosives to be flown in a suicide crash on a target – “Kamikaze.” Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, link. Accessed 7 May. 2023. <Traditional banks are eager to court fintechs as clients, partners or vendors—often in all three

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Back in Kamikaze Style

top view of a neuron sculpture in the lawn

Ukraine: A non-country the size of Texas where NEOCON dreams go to die. link2source – Gold Shocks the World! As the ‘Safe’ US Banking System Collapses * Two-tiered Monetary System to be forced upon the U.S. Populace (we get the

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tipping point in the rear-view mirror

trees under starry night

Ask the important questions; because panic is NOT a strategy. Past performance not a guarantee of future result. The success of the modus operandi is not certain. The current regime blunders into irrelevance as the value of the U.S. Dollar

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war is for when all else fails

white concrete tower shape building near building during daytime

The Deep State wants Joe Biden to be President (illegitimately) Again. Turn the page. Think of China. The horrific failure of Ukraine is not yesterday’s news because it was never in the news. Memory Hole your misgivings. Vote BLUE; humanity

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At the precipice; then vertical to the downside.

ornamental dome and chandelier in old mosque

Hurry down! We’ll take your dis-orders, write them down, and copy them in triplicate. We’ll invent anything your heart desires, whether in the fourth dimension, that is time, or in the forever NOW. The effervescent, ever PRESENT, at the precipice,

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depleted uranium unicorns ballot harvesting

embankment with sea and ancient mosque

The Deep-State Uni-party’s worst nightmare scenario would be an election where you have Trump on one side and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the other. Biden announces a day after Tucker is essentially fired (silenced.) depleted uranium weapons U.S. Military

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Biden’s Bank-Run Bill a Success!

black jetplane flying on the sky

Your regional bank, where they know your name, soon to become a vacant lot! Build Back Better delivers…again! The Central Bank Digital Currency Control Grid to rule with an Iron Fist. Biden ditches a sound meritocracy so that home buyers

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excuse me sir, but your intelligence is leaking

Regime Change in Russia and China is not working; just read the leaked intelligence. zero-knowledge proofs (ZK-proofs) – Cryptocurrency Elon Musk shows that the fa·çade has collapsed (the narrative debunked) while debating the presence (or absence) of ‘hate speech’ on

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In with the new regime; out with the old.

the illuminated tsing ma bridge at night


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Dare to say run away with runaway runways, OK?

buildings in downtown hong kong at night

The Carbon-Correction Economy! Former U.S. President Now a Political Prisoner – Orange is the new Orange The Latin term sua sponte, which translates as “of one’s own accord,” is used to describe an act of authority made without prompting, or without

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Pavlovian-conditioned Ponzi scheme ends today

red and black boat

It was always mathematically unsustainable; so don’t worry about it. Travel to your rendezvous with destiny. Serenely face your enemies. Major election interference brought to you buy the illegitimate Biden regime. Stay tuned as the Bonfire of the Vanities becomes

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things are going to get wonkier

time lapse photography of vehicles passing through china town

and I have that on authority! sunshine and rainbows await you, just remember that as you rage, rage, rage against the dying light! kangaroo courts and creative interpretation of the law The End of the Petrol Dollar & Ongoing Dedollarisation

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not dealing with consequences has consequences

beautiful chess pieces

Atheistic conception of the human race as entirely fungible à la Trotsky. (And there are NO boundaries.) TRUMP SUBE MIENTRAS CAE BIDEN – la raza humana como totalmente fungible ‘I’m Joe.. Bidenopoulos tiktok – Joe Biden’s Bill – Massive Scope link2source

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03 Guaranteed Bankruptcies

person holding silver bitcoin coin

It’s the one thing we can count on; financial ruin and a growing appreciation for desperation! Voted for Venezuela and got North Korea instead. It’s just ‘10% for the Big Guy.’ NOTES link2map – Traditional cultural borders of Europe: usage

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037 Bodily Autonomy is GOOD FOR YOU!

orange and yellow neon lights

Biden wipes out the cryptocurrency industry just because…kleptocracy has gone global Ponzi-Dollars link2source – WHAT’S NEXT FOR GLOBAL BANKING link2source – wisconsin right now DOT com – supreme court candidate Janet Protasiewicz link2source – * “Ponzi-Dollars” says ‘Gus’ – Cuss

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03 Fighting for Sovereignty

the parthenon temple ruins in athens greece

The Economy is an ECOSYSTEM In today’s blog post, I provide many links as always, including link2source – cancel this company DOT com The above website presents “The BIG list of ‘woke’ companies to boycott “to quote the website.

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03 Are the Potential Gains Worth the RISK?

gray and black galaxy wallpaper

a numbers game a police state what do these two things have in common? don’t worry your pretty little head about, fake money in the system what about it! price inflation destruction price, inflation, destruction. We dream of home. It’s

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03 The Trigger for WWIII, not a trigger phrase.

architecture buildings business city

It’s not an emotion, either. Think with your Cerebral Cortex, aka gray matter. Information Warfare = Propaganda Two things interest me, History, and things soon to become History. A Brave New World: “A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in

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03 History Repeats if You DON’T Listen. Again.

green iguana on wooden trunk

NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE, TSLA or TSLQ? AXS TSLA Bear Daily ETF (TSLQ) – As of 03-05-2023 – YTD Daily Total Return-42.97% – Beta (5Y Monthly) 0.00 – Expense Ratio (net) 1.15% – Inception Date 2022-07-13 – link2source – finance DOT

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Communist Revolution at a Location Near YOU!

John Glenn in Repose at the Ohio Statehouse (NHQ201612160005)

Ignore what your eyes are telling you! – Beattlejuice goes out with a poof! However, do not worry about the character of the city of Chicago changing, NOT ONE LITTLE BIT! The nature of things will change, elsewhere, quite thoroughly,

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03 Thought Crimes on Offer.

ancient architecture city clouds

Your thoughts are crimes no matter what you think! Hours AFTER Trump Announces Trip TO East Palestine, Ohio FEMA Finally Releases Disaster Relief Funding TO Local Citizens Affected BY Toxic Chemical Mushroom Cloud Explosion. NOTE 1 Ohio, not being part

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02 Life’s a Day at the Beach.

Walls Closing In on the Biden Regime. Ukraine NOT Going as Planned. link2source – s k wealth academy substack DOT com p what are U.S. corporate junk bonds – forward economic indicator – What do rising [yields for] US corporate

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02 The Middle Class is Now Redundant.

Complex Organics Bubble up from Ocean-world Enceladus

Let them NOT eat cake, butt cake. Use your reality bytes. Resist the ‘Hope Strategy.’ Your foe may not run out of ammo. Be a good prepper; stock up on butt cake to save your butt. BTW, the jokes on

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02 The Sky’s the Limit.

milky way at night

********************* A POEM: The Sky’s the Limit. ************* Ode to the sky, beautiful, deadly. Behold the beauty, life’s upper limit. However, the altitude has been known to be deadly. Double whammy; insufficient oxygen combines with hubris. Poison cocktail soup of

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02 Is there a problem, officer?

full moon behind mountains

Norfolk Southern; vent-and-burn operation. link2source – MUST SEE! CONTROLLED TOXIC CHEMICAL EXPLOSION WILL LEAD TO MASS POISONING OF WATER SUPPLY! link2source – rumble DOT com – election espionage extortion extinction DOT html – “Lawfare is used to destroy the Law.”

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02 TOXIC GAS CLOUD Releases Toxic HCL

people at times square new york

Chemical-Weapons Attack on America’s Food Basket. Biden’s quiet war with the railroad unions – area worst-hit by the ecological disaster populated largely by voters who supported Trump in 2020 election. LINK2SOURCE – open DOT substack DOT com – pub –

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Strike Missiles, Follows the Siege, Devastation, and Following Winter

person crossing the street

link2source – Quoth The Raven DOT substack DOT com – p – Tension Grows – “4 objects have been shot down over the last 72 hours, the US is telling citizens to leave Russia “immediately” and the economy continues to

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02 Destiny of Demographics

silhouette of mountain near the lake during sunset

Destino de la Demografía A dry run for an EMP attack using a high-altitude balloon over the U.S. – Xi is Watching You! “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the american public believes is false” – William

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“all-systems-go!” Go lie the numbers.

white and red blimp flying

“Net Zero” Tyranny: The ‘Final Solution’ via Geo-Engineering. You can’t trust the numbers from the government. However, it’s all-systems go. link2source – STROPPY’S VIEWS ON THE NEWS …SATURDAY, 4TH OF FEBRUARY 2023 … MORNING COFFEE EDITION link2source – FRANKENSKIES (2017)

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02 Affairs of State: banana republic on steroids.

attraction building city hotel

The Bean-Counters of the Biden Administration Care NOT About the Food Supply. Meanwhile, in Eurasia, NATO is prepared for a direct confrontation with Russia. Negotiations are a horse that the West took out back and shot. The past negotiations were

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02 You’re Fired for Your Thoughts!

moon shining on dark sky with smoke

Thought Crime will not be tolerated! We are living in the advent of ‘Pre-Crime‘, meaning: Pre-crime Enforcement, where the very thought of anything that could be construed as leading to, or related to a purported crime, is, in fact, a

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02 War Escalation Due for Yesterday.

grayscale photography of bottle beside saucer

You’ll grow to like Totalitarianism! Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably

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Passengers Unfazed; Rats Leave; Ship Sinks

tilted ship during golden hour

Occupant of Oval Office, a former Senator, Announces Tanks to be Sent to Destroy Our Future. The Fantasy of ‘Regime Change’ in Russia Consumes the Collective West. Meanwhile, the Religion of Climate Changes Gives Us More Windmills to Tilt. NOTE

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A Little Skepticism; and You’re Halfway There.

a hanging dragon decoration

Ukraine: It’s all over but the shouting. Victory will not be Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s. Ukraine will be chopped up like a fine steak. The ‘Fat Lady’ is getting ready to go out onto the stage and sing. Will Poland’s forces roll

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FAUX white supremacy wilts like a spent flower

close up photo of blue liquid

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee chases the mythical white supremacist with her pro- apartheid bill with designs on finally conquering the last vestiges of the First Amendment. “This is the kind of intolerance or the tolerating of this that we cannot

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1 Archive Dump While Putin Cleans Up

scenic photo of monument during evening

Biden continues to act surprised amidst the atmosphere of PANIC AT THE WHITE HOUSE; EVEN More Classified Files “Found“. BTW,  Julian Assange is generally described as the founder of WikiLeaks, a champion of Truth, and should be judged by the

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aerial view and grayscale photography of high rise buildings

Don’t Believe the Flawed Metrics Out of the FED’s Own Mouth. Just Existence is Resistance. – Russia has broken through Donbass’s Second Line of Defense. AI (Artificial Intelligence) that’s not AI (links below) – SCOTUS avoiding election integrity cases (i.e.

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01 Your Finances When the Music Stops

photo of a statue

Fail Forward! Joe Biden’s Deep, Philosophical Observations, and Zen-inspired Non-attachment to Reality. I admire and applaud former-Senator Joe’s ability and enthusiasm with respect to his letting-go of any and all allusions to all that grounds us collectively to the basic

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12 Just Say It; Breast!

close up photo of silverware

Either of two milk-secreting, glandular organs on the chest of a woman; the female mammary gland. – Cualquiera de los dos órganos glandulares secretores de leche en el pecho de una mujer; la glándula mamaria femenina. link – NOTES

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12 gubernatorial THEFT under nebulous terms

white and blue and red and brown feathered bird

“Let’s go deeper down the rabbit hole.” – Globalization is dead! – Long live tyranny. The age of cheap stuff is OVER. “Let me be clear. For those that are considering a COVID shot, if you have an adverse event

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city buildings

NOTES: NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE: 1X Swap Agreements of Varying Duration link2SLQ-INFO – Want to Short TSLA Stock? Check Out the New TSLQ ETF. – ON investor place DOT com – 2022/07 -tslq-etf – By Eddie Pan, Investor Place Assistant News Writer Jul

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12 Critically Massive, Christmas Gains

city night explosion firework

The recession is going to be so bad, they will have to invent a new word for it. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses…” “Inflation is not under control; it’s out of control.” DEEP INSIDE RUSSIAN TERRITORY:

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11 Globalism: A Fad from the Cheap-Oil Era

closeup photo of red and white mushroom

link2source – What’s going on in China? – Cracks in China As the Anglo-American Empire Unravels. Interview with Paul from The Sirius Report. – “Nothing’s Black and White.” link2TWEET – Agenda 21 Radio – New California State #51 – Transmitted

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