A Swarm of Drones Attacked ME of all people!

lobster shack

El plan ‘B’ claramente es oro. * ¡Un enjambre de zánganos me atacó entre toda la gente! ** Los zánganos son las abejas machos de una colmena; se desarrollan en celdas más grandes que las obreras, de 6,5 mm (Milímetro) de diámetro y proceden de huevos sin fecundar

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the DEBT-Trap economy that wasn’t

coffee industry drink lunch

La enfermedad permanente de la obsesión ciega con la tecnología. ***************************** WW III link2source – Governments Sleepwalking into Debt Trap with Alasdair Macleod – TFinance -04-05-2024 link2source – Economic Reset: Ray Dalio‘s Warning On Money, Power, Chaos, WW3 & The

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What profit a man?

narrow residential houses in victorian style

Las organizaciones humanitarias advierten que las enfermedades mortales transmitidas por el agua se propagarán en la zona sitiada si no se permite la entrada de ayuda. – Cólera, enfermedades infecciosas en medio del bloqueo israelí – ESTRANGULAMIENTOS DE ENVÍO Y

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Moore’s Law – Exponential Growth Curve

snow covered field near a river

Hyperinflation – Stagflation Explained & all the while no buyers for U.S. Treasuries. * The conventional war is lost; now for the guerrilla war with Ukrainian Diaspora. * How many Ukrainian refugees are there and where have they gone? link2source

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24 7 365 : my time spent napping. repeat.

time lapse photo of northern lights

If you don’t like the news, make your own! You don’t get rich by being stupid: ‘Nobody’s Money Safe in the West.’ Never, Never mess with the I.R.S. COLORADO STATE SUPREME COURT DECISION [COULD] BACKFIRE. **************** Attitude de Gagnant La

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Bracing News to Fa-la-la LOW!

people at train station

America needs a two-state solution! Ghost malls, ghost buildings, ghost president! – Meanwhile, an atmospheric pall of gloom and doom lingers menacingly over the ancient city of Kiev A.K.A. Kyiv, A.K.A. Kievan Rus’. Route from the Varangians to the Greeks.

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Perfecting the Perfect Storm.

profile of man in fencing suit

The purple cradle, an orbit. Rocket ship of dreams. Waters upon the lap of shore. Beachhead, the impossible. Oceanic bliss and wonder, this mixture. Too late we realize, the crater is dust, where nothing special resides, but stillness. A marble

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Boots on the Ground and Rus’ for Russia

the chateau de limargue autoire france

Cluster Bombs; still a war crime. ‘Cross-border’ means global rules, i.e. globalization. Eliminate currency competition with crypto crackdown – globally. Madness is rare in individuals, but strikes quite regularly in societies. NOTE 1 Jason Aldean And Refighting America’s Civil War

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