Concrete Swimming Pool’s on Fire!

clear shot glass with tennis ball

Kamala makes a big splash! – No, really! – She does! Unique in her un-likability. Remember making a proposition in a poorly lit bar and having a drink tossed in your face as a response? ***************** La medida menos mala

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Oh to Grasp Vastness of the Unknown!

brown rock island on sea water under blue sky during daytime

Están manteniendo USTEDES fuera de equilibrio mientras arman el sistema. * El colapso monetario es inevitable cuando el imperio anglo-estadounidense implosione desde dentro. * hiperinflación. * moneda de platino de 1 trillón * Hoy he recibido varios informes del comandante

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waving goodbye to peace, an old friend

speeding train time lapse photo

REGRESO AL JUICIO POR ASESINATO DE 1995 *** La Tercera Guerra Mundial y el alto precio del oro *** Israel ahora es un paria internacional. *** ********************************************************** link2source – Gaza War, A Setup: The End of Israel as We Know

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