devil is the details SLAY the best laid plans

close up photo of a gold coin

Demoss claims in her lawsuit that her weight-based denial of a ride is discrimination. – Rapper and influencer Dajua Blanding, known by her stage name Dank Demoss. Detroit rapper files lawsuit against Lyft for weight discrimination. – Le rappeur de

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The Moment We Met.

yellow and brown house painting

************** El momento en que nos conocimos. * Dinero por edicto * la fuerte caída del precio de los bonos de la deuda  * Las fuerzas del mal trabajan para destruir a la humanidad y la población de la Tierra.

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More Time to Loot the Treasury

astronaut photography

************** el objetivo de capturar imágenes en un momento decisivo o conmovedor *** La burbuja de todo termina en un colapso monetario. *** posesión demoníaca. Y luego está toda la propaganda acerca de la posesión demoníaca. *** PREDICCIÓN: Israel será DESTRUIDO

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Criminal Organization. Elect a Fool’s Errand.

ta prohm temple in cambodia

Divide and Conquer. Rinse. Repeat. Stop finding fault with incompetence because the economic system is – just fine, thank you very much! – I’m slightly offended: said the Canadian after learning his bank account was frozen for political reasons. Criminal

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12 Washing Machine of Money Laundering

pile of american paper money on black surface

The swirling sound of the giant cleansing mechanized system involving digital coins and receptive D.C. operatives; your money goes in, their money comes out! Ukraine Continues…Special Military Operation Drifts into War…and round and round the washing machine of money laundering

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