A Swarm of Drones Attacked ME of all people!

lobster shack

El plan ‘B’ claramente es oro. * ¡Un enjambre de zánganos me atacó entre toda la gente! ** Los zánganos son las abejas machos de una colmena; se desarrollan en celdas más grandes que las obreras, de 6,5 mm (Milímetro) de diámetro y proceden de huevos sin fecundar

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It’s All Just Bananas!

space needle and building near

Magical Thinking; the big enchilada. The big-bang model, not cosmology, but a religion. Anti-BDS laws – Anti-BDS laws and resolutions oppose boycotts of Israel. The name comes from the BDS movement, which calls for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel to pressure Israel to meet

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celestial sensations draw closer to near-earth

portrait of an american bison standing outdoors

…and that’s NO BULL! Welcome to this near-Earth orbit. Enjoy the ride! About the economy in the era of Bidenomics… “Something is going to break in terms of physical vs paper. We have a dysfunctional global system and it’s going

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