From Great Heights to Big Fails

assorted flavor ice cream on gray metal buffet server

Don’t just dream, of ice cream. – JL *** INVASIÓN DE PANDILLAS LATINAS DE CHICAGO. HACIENDO SENTIDO DE LO QUE ESTÁ PASANDO *** Más de 100 grupos climáticos están presionando a JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup y otros bancos privados para que

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Debate Government Allocate Welfare to Do.

high rise buildings in new york city

Big Government on the back foot. The engineered crisis continues with the power of the purse. The world is always changing and evolving. Always. Stasis is not an option. link2source – We are running out of other peoples money says

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Office-Plankton, Third World, Problem Caves

orange and brown cave

At home among the stars. Above the rocky journey. The travail is done. Finished for good. Enjoy. The mill wheel turns without. The falling waters of a tearful rock face. Retreat to the cave when the dragon is about. The

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New Info Forum Formation Forex Four Two

train running on train track under gray sky at daytime

link2source – Greg Mannarino: Policy From Governments & Central Banks Leading To Neo Serfdom & Neo Feudalism? – WallStForMainSt link2source – Markets, Economics, & Rising Authoritarianism: David Collum’s Insight – link2source – Collapsing Money Supply to Cause Recession in 2025

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Where’s the off-ramp to waterfall illusion sir?

time lapse photography of river

********************** link2source – Pirate Money – Kevin Freeman: Breaking Down the Coming Debt Crisis – Five Undeniable Truths About Money – Palisades Gold Radio * Sound Money ********************** link2source – Venezuela’s Shocking Transformation: BRICS Unleashing Unprecedented Changes! | Alex Krainer

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Smell the coffee, wake up, hold your PIECE, and…

person sitting near table with teacups and plates

Vote now, forever holster your PIECE! The glass-mirror ceiling over the bed cracks at the sight! The Sword Sting glows white hot. It’s cackling-Kamala! Who invited Kamala to our carefully curated breakfast? – the distaste of an uninvited guest, I

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Nugget little bite of gold; be bold

airplane in front and night sky

Atrévete a soñar con justicia ciega. Atrévete a soñar con justicia ciega. – link * el dominio electromagnético de las ondas por Rusia * Las agencias de inteligencia estadounidenses temen la influencia EXTRANJERA en la contienda electoral presidencial: la carrera

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Without the muck; NO Lotus; Unfolding light.

people standing near highway near vehicles

Evita ser parte del plan. * Dinero en efectivo será prohibido. * Respira profundamente las bendiciones. * Así que la próxima vez que te sientas abrumado o estresado, tómate un momento para respirar profundamente y recordar que este simple acto es una

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Free-Fall Dollar Dead Man Walking!

white airplane reflection on car side mirror

Estanflación, desinflación, deflación rara, hiperinflación. * La estanflación (calco del inglés: stagflation, palabra compuesta a partir de stagnation, estancamiento, e inflation, inflación) indica el momento o coyuntura económica en que, dentro de una situación inflacionaria, se produce un estancamiento o la recesión de la economía, a la vez que persiste

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Opposed to the Opposition Checked Balance

person riding a kick scooter on a bridge

LA DEMOCRACIA AMERICANA HA MUERTO. * El objetivo es destruir la economía y empobrecerte. * Para cambiar la dirección de (un velero) para cambiar la dirección de (un velero) : tack (verb) * Los BRICS son una bola de demolición

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