Earth’s curving space envelopes planet’s past.

body of water during dawn

Quid sentiam scire de sideras? – What do I think I know about the stars? *** Future I, Indicative, Active OR 1. Person Sg. Present Active Subjunctive – sentiam, senties, sentiet – sentiemus, sentietis, sentient *** scire – scio, scis,

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Be Enterprising in Your Leisure ASAP

tea glass overlooking scenic istanbul panorama

Je me suis couché de bonne heure. – link2gutenberg – – il était temps de chercher le sommeil – m’éveillait – l’air désemparé – looking helpless * cent ans de solitude – one hundred years of solitude * sa

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More Time to Loot the Treasury

astronaut photography

************** el objetivo de capturar imágenes en un momento decisivo o conmovedor *** La burbuja de todo termina en un colapso monetario. *** posesión demoníaca. Y luego está toda la propaganda acerca de la posesión demoníaca. *** PREDICCIÓN: Israel será DESTRUIDO

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Waves, VIBES, and Tunnel Vortex.

blurred motion shot of people walking

************* Ella tiene buena intuición! *** El juego final es inflacionista. *** Toda la costa este LISIADO SOBRE HUELGA DE TRABAJADORES DEL MUELLE! *** trabajadores portuarios diezmados por la inflación *** un día de huelga provoca cinco días de retrasos

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Sit Down with the Psychiatrist.

suv traveling on road near flatiron building

El equipo que es bueno en romper cosas; no es bueno en crear cosas. ****************************************************** Lincoln, New Hampshire:  Set in the White Mountains, large portions of the town are within the White Mountain National Forest. The Appalachian Trail crosses the western and northeastern parts

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Where’s the off-ramp to waterfall illusion sir?

time lapse photography of river

********************** link2source – Pirate Money – Kevin Freeman: Breaking Down the Coming Debt Crisis – Five Undeniable Truths About Money – Palisades Gold Radio * Sound Money ********************** link2source – Venezuela’s Shocking Transformation: BRICS Unleashing Unprecedented Changes! | Alex Krainer

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We’ve only just begun the coup d’état!

high rise buildings

There’s a big future ahead of us if only we could see beyond the horizon. A world without borders is a life without boundaries. Personal autonomy is so passé. And just remember: That sigh that sunk a thousand ships. Once

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The New World in Order to Survive

cadillac ranch amarillo texas usa

la miseria que se nos ha infligido, nuestras economías, nuestras culturas y nuestras instituciones. ** Los humanos prefieren la simplicidad a la complejidad. * Hasta que nos volvamos a ver! * sistemas altamente complejos de dinámica interconectada * ELECCIONES DE

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Leaving LA and Striking Out on Your Own

green tree

link2source – WHITE LA. RESIDENTS WIN RIGHT TO SPLIT FROM BLACK CONTROLLED BATON ROUGE AND FORM THEIR OWN CITY – 5-year court battle lead to new town called St. George, LA (Upon incorporation, it became the fifth largest city in

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Just Playing Around Kristallnacht

ice cubes

It’s a black-and-white thing! Meaning: as clear as black and white, no gradient shades of nuance here! *** Delegados fraudulentos Enviar a la OMS ? Organización Mundial de la Salud *** La aplicación del proyecto de ley contra el antisemitismo

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