Teleportation, possible now, just like Star Trek.

dinasors with a night sky as a background

Ahora vivimos en un mundo inflacionario; No es probable que regrese al 2%, difícil de medir la inflación con precisión, la política activa de la FED para debilitar el dólar. Plutón, un planeta enano en nuestro sistema solar, está de

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Yes, my little wheels are a-turnin’ – Dammit Janet!

photo of golden cogwheel on black background

Cultural myths debunked here. – Mitos culturales desacreditados aquí. * Acción de precio; Está subiendo porque está subiendo. * La verdad es empujada a los márgenes por la tecnocracia corporativa. * Cada mentira que decimos tiene una deuda con la

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Trucker NO-GO New York


No bananas on the shelves in the capital of the banana republic. * No hay plátanos en las estanterías de la capital de la república bananera. *** link2source – New York is the Next Wasteland! GTFO! * ¡Nueva York es

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Tuck me in Tucker’s put Putin-o-mics mixology.

a bartender holding a cocktail drink

Thanks for you interest in TEXAS! – Gracias por su interés en TEXAS! – Let’s mix it up, TEXAS! Los demócratas se están derritiendo por la demencia de Bidens y la pérdida de memoria. History never repeats itself; Numbers go

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Assumption to the Cloud & Our Lady of the Perl.

Mental preparedness is important. – La preparación mental es importante. * Post-industrial collapse of human society. – Colapso post-industrial de la sociedad humana. ** Farmers protest laws-regulations from Brussels. – Los agricultores protestan contra las leyes-reglamentos desde Bruselas. *** link2source

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Moore’s Law – Exponential Growth Curve

snow covered field near a river

Hyperinflation – Stagflation Explained & all the while no buyers for U.S. Treasuries. * The conventional war is lost; now for the guerrilla war with Ukrainian Diaspora. * How many Ukrainian refugees are there and where have they gone? link2source

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11202022 NO Accidents. NO Coincidences.

white stone mountains

Crypto Landmines. FTX Skips Town with YOUR MONEY! BTW, there were two missiles that fell in Poland that day. Don’t forget that. link2source – Random pictures by a chance observer show S300 missile, not a Russian Missile, taken by a

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