Rocky Flats on the Rocks

gray rocky cliff

We’re at the TOP. Altitude blinds you. Look down at your own risk. Musk doesn’t need rockets to reach for the stars. At the top of our form. Flying high, we walk about the cabin. The folly of Afghanistan and

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The New World in Order to Survive

cadillac ranch amarillo texas usa

la miseria que se nos ha infligido, nuestras economías, nuestras culturas y nuestras instituciones. ** Los humanos prefieren la simplicidad a la complejidad. * Hasta que nos volvamos a ver! * sistemas altamente complejos de dinámica interconectada * ELECCIONES DE

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Nugget little bite of gold; be bold

airplane in front and night sky

Atrévete a soñar con justicia ciega. Atrévete a soñar con justicia ciega. – link * el dominio electromagnético de las ondas por Rusia * Las agencias de inteligencia estadounidenses temen la influencia EXTRANJERA en la contienda electoral presidencial: la carrera

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A liberty survives endive razor wire driverless

green trees near beach water

El nuevo traje del emperador. * Una libertad sobrevive endivia alambre de afeitar sin conductor. ** A los demócratas les gusta su trabajo esclavo. Les encanta tener gente en el país con permiso para trabajar pero sin plenos derechos. ***

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24 7 365 : my time spent napping. repeat.

time lapse photo of northern lights

If you don’t like the news, make your own! You don’t get rich by being stupid: ‘Nobody’s Money Safe in the West.’ Never, Never mess with the I.R.S. COLORADO STATE SUPREME COURT DECISION [COULD] BACKFIRE. **************** Attitude de Gagnant La

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Systemic Fail with Hammer-Handed Turnip

gold christmas ball decor

Peace strategy can lead to PEACE; while a War strategy cannot help but NOT. So, gather your turnips with a heavy hand. Frisky clothes and a tight-fitting outlook. Avoid conflict while Mars is in Aquarius and watch the fractal undulations

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Acclamation from Ukraine’s Oligarchs

photo of couple kissing beside statue

“America, we LOVE your money! Send More!” – says Volodymyr Zelenskyy while dancing in high heels. Yes! You have got to see the videos if you haven’t already. Keep the party going! link2source – SEPTEMBER 3, 2023 MUSINGS link2source –

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