10042021 The Zombie Apocalypse: the CDC’s Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

American Civil War, produced by L. Prang & Co.

The end is nigh for the globalist system as we know it. Biden defends the harassment of Manchin and Sinema. Your antibodies are better than the “vaccine.” – We are in very strange times. link to (NEW YORK) COVID PROTEST

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10032021 – If you get the jab to keep a job, you may lose it anyway.

SARS-CoV-2 Induced Myocarditis

The BidenTax-Flation-DebtBomb ‘Fuck Biden’ – You cannot have a country without borders. “Authoritarian governments disarm the masses.” – “There’s a lot of strategy and method to the madness.” – “Don’t arrest illegals just because they are here illegally.” – Joe

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09302021-AZ audits and internet access of the routers-Harper’s Ferry

Carrollton Viaduct

“Defense spending should address white supremacists.” – Michael Moore The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (reporting marks B&O, BO) was the first common carrier railroad and the oldest railroad in the United States, with its first section opening in 1830. link to NOTE 1 (2021, August 26). Baltimore

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Depiction of the siege of Lisbon, 1147

Quadros da História de Portugal (1917) – Post-Modern Siege Post-Modern, Linguistic War – Critical Race Theory – “Put them on the defensive.” – link to christopher rufo DOT com crt briefing book link to LAURA INGRAHAM: DEMOCRATS FINALLY GET WHAT

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09182021 Henry Lee (1756-1818) – King Biden Reigns

Henry Lee (1756-1818), former Governor of Virginia and father of Robert E. Lee

An historic figure, Former Governor of Virginia and father of Robert E. Lee in the above FEATURED IMAGE – Henry “Light-Horse Harry” Lee, the American Revolutionary War officer In Fauci’s TRUST WE LIE. No Crown for Biden. However, a horror,

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09152021 a blue sky overcast with grey smoke

Egide Charles Gustave Wappers - This illustration was made by Antoine Motte dit Falisse alias M0tty but it is in the public domain

“Men and women form a mound around a post in the streets of a city on the right of this painting. A tattered tricolour flag (of black, yellow, and red) is at the top, and beside this flag, a man

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Big Tech Media Blackout 31

Biological Weapon(s) link to Mike Adams Up! link to the epoch times DOT com supervisors attempt to assuage vaccine fears backfires The “Vaccine” is the worst kind of poison. link to twitch DOT tv ncs 51 Welcome to my small

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