From Great Heights to Big Fails

assorted flavor ice cream on gray metal buffet server

Don’t just dream, of ice cream. – JL *** INVASIÓN DE PANDILLAS LATINAS DE CHICAGO. HACIENDO SENTIDO DE LO QUE ESTÁ PASANDO *** Más de 100 grupos climáticos están presionando a JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup y otros bancos privados para que

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John Ritter to Live on in Memory

chocolate drink filled clear glass cup

El gato que comía el canario. Todo el buen humor se basa en la verdad! ********************************** If it’s on television, it’s real! ****************** link2source – Learn Why Republicans Are Seriously Considering Making Trump Speaker Of The House – Alex Jones

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Office-Plankton, Third World, Problem Caves

orange and brown cave

At home among the stars. Above the rocky journey. The travail is done. Finished for good. Enjoy. The mill wheel turns without. The falling waters of a tearful rock face. Retreat to the cave when the dragon is about. The

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This Hostess Undresses Iceberg Lettuce Antartica

photo of an old ship on sea

Ghost slip ships past frozen water. The smog of four and its misty immersion concludes. Based place unfurls on-deck. Sails live. – They’re alive! – they shout, with breath visible from the biting cold. Timbers cannonade timorous dream’s deep, eat

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The Media Distortion Field

the museo soumaya in mexico city

Beyond a constitutional crisis: dictatorial ‘president’ prosecutes his political rivals. Escape the Media Distortion Field. Rule-of-law, just a part of history. Read about it in dusty books. Magna Carta not worth the paper its written on and destined for the

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