Be Enterprising in Your Leisure ASAP

tea glass overlooking scenic istanbul panorama

Je me suis couché de bonne heure. – link2gutenberg – – il était temps de chercher le sommeil – m’éveillait – l’air désemparé – looking helpless * cent ans de solitude – one hundred years of solitude * sa

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Concrete Swimming Pool’s on Fire!

clear shot glass with tennis ball

Kamala makes a big splash! – No, really! – She does! Unique in her un-likability. Remember making a proposition in a poorly lit bar and having a drink tossed in your face as a response? ***************** La medida menos mala

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Oh to Grasp Vastness of the Unknown!

brown rock island on sea water under blue sky during daytime

Están manteniendo USTEDES fuera de equilibrio mientras arman el sistema. * El colapso monetario es inevitable cuando el imperio anglo-estadounidense implosione desde dentro. * hiperinflación. * moneda de platino de 1 trillón * Hoy he recibido varios informes del comandante

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Velo Ins and assassin outlays

american radiator building on street

********************** And I’m everywhere pretty! Velo Ins and assassin outlays; Streetlights on a movie scene, cinematographically lacking direction, substance. Bio lens stringed instruments; Peer into the microphone and speak your heart, bylines. Someday your a star but not too soon

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things are going to get wonkier

time lapse photography of vehicles passing through china town

and I have that on authority! sunshine and rainbows await you, just remember that as you rage, rage, rage against the dying light! kangaroo courts and creative interpretation of the law The End of the Petrol Dollar & Ongoing Dedollarisation

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02 The Sky’s the Limit.

milky way at night

********************* A POEM: The Sky’s the Limit. ************* Ode to the sky, beautiful, deadly. Behold the beauty, life’s upper limit. However, the altitude has been known to be deadly. Double whammy; insufficient oxygen combines with hubris. Poison cocktail soup of

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02 Affairs of State: banana republic on steroids.

attraction building city hotel

The Bean-Counters of the Biden Administration Care NOT About the Food Supply. Meanwhile, in Eurasia, NATO is prepared for a direct confrontation with Russia. Negotiations are a horse that the West took out back and shot. The past negotiations were

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10042021 The Zombie Apocalypse: the CDC’s Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

American Civil War, produced by L. Prang & Co.

The end is nigh for the globalist system as we know it. Biden defends the harassment of Manchin and Sinema. Your antibodies are better than the “vaccine.” – We are in very strange times. link to (NEW YORK) COVID PROTEST

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