Without the muck; NO Lotus; Unfolding light.

people standing near highway near vehicles

Evita ser parte del plan. * Dinero en efectivo será prohibido. * Respira profundamente las bendiciones. * Así que la próxima vez que te sientas abrumado o estresado, tómate un momento para respirar profundamente y recordar que este simple acto es una

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waving goodbye to peace, an old friend

speeding train time lapse photo

REGRESO AL JUICIO POR ASESINATO DE 1995 *** La Tercera Guerra Mundial y el alto precio del oro *** Israel ahora es un paria internacional. *** ********************************************************** link2source – Gaza War, A Setup: The End of Israel as We Know

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Communist Revolution at a Location Near YOU!

John Glenn in Repose at the Ohio Statehouse (NHQ201612160005)

Ignore what your eyes are telling you! – Beattlejuice goes out with a poof! However, do not worry about the character of the city of Chicago changing, NOT ONE LITTLE BIT! The nature of things will change, elsewhere, quite thoroughly,

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03 Thought Crimes on Offer.

ancient architecture city clouds

Your thoughts are crimes no matter what you think! Hours AFTER Trump Announces Trip TO East Palestine, Ohio FEMA Finally Releases Disaster Relief Funding TO Local Citizens Affected BY Toxic Chemical Mushroom Cloud Explosion. NOTE 1 Ohio, not being part

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02 Life’s a Day at the Beach.

Walls Closing In on the Biden Regime. Ukraine NOT Going as Planned. link2source – s k wealth academy substack DOT com p what are U.S. corporate junk bonds – forward economic indicator – What do rising [yields for] US corporate

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