moyen d’une entrave – – link2YOUtube – ÉPICTÈTE : LA BOITERIE EST UNE ENTRAVE POUR LE CORPS, MAIS NON POUR LA VOLONTÉ. – PENSÉES DES TEMPS PRÉSENTS@AbdesselamBougedrawi – la maladie est une entrave pour le corps – disease is a hindrance to the body * dis-toi de même à chaque accident – tell yourself the same thing every time you have an accident * La prochaine chose connue – une découverte qui ne sera pas télévisée – la magie de l’éternel maintenant * comme un citoyen ordinaire * Le temps est un facteur essentiel ** à quel moment * (when) ** n’aurait pu dire * (he) could not have said *** moyen d’une – means of a *** si elle ne le veut : si tu ne veux pas : if you don’t want *** la boiterie : lameness ** LA VOLONTÉ : THE WILL ***
**** French Language
**** Latin Language (START)
Artem magicam novit. – He knows the art of magic. *** sequere me – follow me *** sequere pecuniam – Follow the money. *** Sequēre pecūniam
pecunia, pecuniae [f.] A Noun Accusative Sg. = money – Follow money
money, money [f.] A Noun Accusative Sg. = money
Ubi erat ille deus, quisquis fuit? – Where was that god, whoever he was?
link – Metamorphoseon Liber I
In nova fert animus mutatas dicere formas – In new ways, the mind brings changed forms to speak.
animus, animi [m.] O – sense, mind, bravery, soul, spirit, courage, heart – NOUN – link
The mind says that forms have changed. – Animus mutatas dicere formas. ***
the visible shape or configuration of something – formas – form. *** Atque in eam rem omnium nostrorum intentis animis alia ex parte oppidi Adiatunnus – And with all our minds intent on that matter, on the other side of the town of Adiatunnus *** animis alia ex parte – minds on the other side *****
**** Latin Language
link2source – The Palace of Versailles (built c.1624-98), a magnificent example of French Baroque architecture, is the most famous royal chateau in France. – To begin with (c.1661), Baroque architects under the direction of chief designer Louis Le Vau (1612-70), the garden designer Andre le Notre (1613-1700) and arts supremo Charles Le Brun (1619-90), converted the stone and brick lodge into a 3-storey chateau complete with an impressive black-and-white marble courtyard, complete with columns and wrought-iron balconies. It was given a flat roof and two new wings, containing apartments for the king and queen, and was known as Marble Court. * 1624 – Louis XIII, King of France, constructed a humble hunting lodge made of brick and stone in the small village of Versailles – link – 1631, he expanded the lodge into a chateau – 1661 under King Louis XIV: chief architect, Louis Le Vau, landscape architect André Le Nôtre, and interior decorator Charles Le Brun, he transformed the existing chateau into a splendid palace –
Palace of Versailles, France (c.1624-98) – link – Marble Courtyard of the Palace of Versailles
link2source – Mondo Gonzales – Drones, UFOs, Blue Beam and Deceptions! – aminutetomidnite@aminutetomidnite2406
link2source – Bitcoin’s SHOCKING Impact on US Dollar – Enlightened PodClips@EnlightenedPodClips
link2source – Michael Yon joins Mike Adams with latest updates on the INVASION, the Bitcoin… – BNN
link2source – Mark Sleboda explains why Erdogan is the winner in Syria and why the Syrian army chose not to fight – India’s Global Impulse@IndiasGlobalImpulse
link2source – BIO-LABS in Ukraine: COL. Douglas Macgregor : America’s Next War of Choice – Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom@judgingfreedom – link2source – Why Is Russia Expanding Its Military Presence In Libya? – OpEd – 12-09-2024 – The al-Qardabiya base is currently undergoing extensive renovations […].
**** Ukraine, Syria, ETC
link2source – Cost-Push Inflation – Tom Luongo | Full Interview – Bitcoin Magazine
link2source – Helen Thompson: “The Complex History of Energy and Geopolitics” | The Great Simplification #98 – Nate Hagens@thegreatsimplification
link2source – ACH (2471) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of The War On White People – – “I am writing for humanity in a world eaten by usury.”
Ezra Pound – link2source – As of today, October 31, 2023, the United States national debt is $33.7 trillion. Incredibly, the national debt has increased just over $600 billion this month alone. That’s 20 billion dollars per day.
link2source – Should we amend the Constitution? plus more news – The Arthur Nix@TheArthurNix
link2source – How Immigration Shapes Your Paycheck – Kenneth Rapoza #6203 – Kerry Lutz’s Financial Survival Network@FsnGoldandSilver
*** All power lines lead to the industrial center where the big decisions are made. ***
The magic of hearing random conversational snippets while riding the NYC subway.
*** CONTINUE ***
— After the rain over NYC clears the sky, the sunlight clears the mind and the collective morning is the smell of donuts and coffee again! – The steel line continues our journey. – I ride, still, the power. The piece everyone wants in the city, resides in the city, in boxes of glorious closure. I see someone who rides the steel, there are two of us.
Sipping the hot steam off a styrofoam cup, he sits, looking forward, in the mid-space of his thoughts. In thick clothes, the browns of dirt, the darkness of asphalt, he wraps his shaking hands, fingerless gloves, gracefully battling a war with inertia. The soreness of concrete embed body and mind. But then spirits soar as the tunnel recedes into the distance. The steel’s above the water. Gold of fresh sunlight, the commuters have left, illuminate the mystery of the spirit of flight still possible, still within reach.
Mystery. Mystery rides the metal car. Still within reach we are. The steel’s above the water. with Manhattan wrapped around a love story or a mystery I decide in the flash of momentary light; that deciding light of triganometric passage between the tallest of building. Rolling stock zooms past, and past. Is forgotten, alite, a specific past. – JL 12-18-24
***** END *****
****** Grammar ******
- étais étais était – étions étiez étaient – imparfait de l’indicatif – Être
- chantais chantais chantait – chantions chantiez chantaient – imparfait de l’indicatif – chanter
************** END Grammar (French)
vise une part – aims for a share *** aimed for a share – visant une part – viser un morceau de gâteau
*****( French to English )**** Select Phrases from Above: * like an ordinary citizen * (1) by means of a hindrance/restraint * (2) LAMENESS IS A HINDRANCE TO THE BODY ***
very next best thing known – a discovery which will not be televised – the magic of the eternal now
Be Enterprising in Your Leisure ASAP – Time is of the essence!
The Exchange Rate: 1 Goldback to USD: link – goldback DOT com – exchange-rate (How many USD does your Goldback buy, and vice-versa). * $5.48 – 13-Dec-2024 10am Utah * link – Current Price of BTC / USD (Bitcoin price for 1 Bitcoin in U.S. Dollars) $ 102,087.20 as of 12-15-2024 2:00AM UTC Time. * link – 12-17-2024 8:15:55 PM UTC $106,166.30 for 1 BTC / USD ** $ 103,845.40 2.15% for 1 BTC / USD : $ 2,284.60 Today – Dec 18, 7:45:58 PM UTC link accessed 12-18-2024 1:48PM – Central Standard Time (Houston, TX) *
Visit my SUBSTACK : – Enjoy!
You’re always welcome!
The goal of this publication is to inform humanity. Nothing in this publication should be interpreted as investment advice. Texan Gold Real Estate, LLC – Remember to always do your due diligence. Do not rely on my misinformed opinion(s). Be careful with your money and time, especially in this new, new economy! Make all decisions with caution! * The complaint department has been permanently closed due to a lack of interest.
***** Tips in Bitcoin accepted with extraordinary enthusiasm!
ADDENDUM: AFTER 12-19-2024
link2source – Jeffrey Prather joins Mike Adams with latest Analysis on Drones, End Goals and… – BBN
link2source – Syria: Why Did Assad’s Allies Give the Rebels an Easy Way to Victory? | Alex Krainer – Think BRICS@ThinkBRICS
link2source – Andrei Martyanov: Russia’s Crushing Response Coming – Dialogue Works – Sociopathy
link2source – Brian Berletic: Russia OBLITERATES Ukraine’s Army, Putin’s Ballistic Missile Threat STUNS NATO – Danny Haiphong@geopoliticshaiphong
link2source – NATO launches another long-range missile strike on Russia. West is provoking deployment of Nukes.. – Levan Gudadze – Opinion@LevanGudadze
link2source – Martin Armstrong: The Fed has Lost Control of Inflation – Palisades Gold Radio
link2source – Peak Oil with John Peach – Andrii Zvorygin@AndriiZ
link2source – BOB MORIARTY | We’re in NEVER-NEVER land! * The next market (stock, BTC) move will probably be down. – Metals and Miners@metalsandminers
link2source – Peak Oil – Peak Oil Chat with Iver Lofving – Andrii Zvorygin@AndriiZ