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You have to ask yourself: Who is really behind the social re-engineering? – “We the People have all the power.” – Q – Green screens provide actors with the backdrop of The Oval Office, Whitehouse, and Washington D.C.
Thank you for reading my blog post(s)! – Jim L
link to Taking on the Gender Identity Industry | with Maritza Cummings
link to These Stats Should Scare You. Will Blue States Vote Red? | Larry Elder | POLITICS | Rubin Report – link to Laurence Allen Elder (born April 27, 1952) is an American conservative and libertarian[1] talk radio host, author, attorney, and documentary filmmaker who hosts The Larry Elder Show. – The hellacious cost of living in California – link to elect elder DOT com – The cost of living in California is 150% the cost of living in the rest of the country. – “I ran out of reasons not to do it [Run for the office of Governor of California].” – “…2 jobs, 10 years, full time, cleaning toilets [RE: Larry Elder’s father] ” – “[My dad] an eight-grade drop out could not duplicate my father’s success if he worked three jobs.” – “My dad could look at a cake and tell you what’s in it. That’s just how good he was.” – Housing shortage due to radical environmentalists. – The 2021 California gubernatorial recall election is an upcoming special election on whether to recall Governor Gavin Newsom scheduled to be held on September 14, 2021, with all voters set to begin receiving mail-in ballots on August 16, 2021.[1][2] – link to sacbee DOT com – news – politics government – capitol alert article252113268.html – link to calmatters DOT org- politics – 2021/07 – newsom recall election date –
link to tatum report DOT com – michigan county officials give bonuses (TO THEMSELVES) FROM covid relief funds
link to america’s frontline doctors DOT org – treatments – ivermectin
link to Are conservative leaders trying to deflect and misdirect with their support of the jabber doo?
link to NEWSOM IN TROUBLE? – California Gubernatorial Recall Election Analysis – link to (Rumble) newsom in trouble california gubernatorial recall election analysis
link to (TWITCH) – Agenda 21 Radio July 26, 2021
Remember to Connect the DOTS – Masks Don’t Work
link to the epoch times DOT com – federal court rules against california gov newsom’s order barring private school in-person classes – link to (rumble DOT com) people are clearly tired of lockdowners and faucism
link to the epoch times DOT com – doctors raise awareness on ivermectin as treatment for covid-19 to help end the pandemic
link to the epoch times DOT com – first federal agency to mandate covid-19 vaccine (It’s actually NOT a vaccine) – link to (Bitchute) TOP DOCTOR: PREPARE FOR 3-5 YEARS OF “TURMOIL” DUE TO CREDIBILITY COLLAPSE OF MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT – “We the People have all the power.” – Q
E-Books Free to the Public
PREFACE This unpretentious little book is the outcome of my own experiences and adventures in Alaska. Two trips, covering a period of eighteen months and a distance of over twelve thousand miles were made practically alone. In answer to the oft-repeated question of why I went to Alaska I can only give the same reply that so many others give: I wanted to go in search of my fortune which had been successfully eluding my grasp for a good many years. Neither home nor children claimed my attention. No good reason, I thought, stood in the way of my going to Alaska; for my husband, traveling constantly at his work had long ago allowed me carte blanche as to my inclinations and movements. To be sure, there was no money in the bank upon which to draw, and an account with certain friends whose kindness and generosity cannot be forgotten, was opened up to pay passage money; but so far neither they nor I have regretted making the venture. I had first-class health and made up in endurance what I lacked in avoirdupois, along with a firm determination to take up the first honest work that presented itself, regardless of choice, and in the meantime to secure a few gold claims, the fame of which had for two years reached my ears. In regard to the truthfulness of this record I have tried faithfully to relate my experiences as they took place. Not all, of course, have been included, for numerous and varied trials came to me, of which I have not written, else a far more thrilling story could have been told. Enough has, however, been noted to give my readers a fair idea of a woman's life during a period of eighteen months in a few of the roughest mining camps in the world; and that many may be interested, and to some extent possibly instructed by the perusal of my little book, is the sincere wish of the author. MAY KELLOGG SULLIVAN. A WOMAN WHO WENT--TO ALASKA. Project Gutenberg's A Woman who went to Alaska, by May Kellogg Sullivan This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at link to dangerous laboratories DOT org - radoz DOT html link to smithsonian mag DOT com history - clarence dally the man who gave thomas edison x-ray vision 123713565- By Gilbert King SMITHSONIANMAG.COM MARCH 14, 2012