Poem about Skiddy the City Guy
The coffee faerie
Hardly measuring
A cup, Bold
as it may be,
But soundly resolute,
alight, thoughtfully,
upon la table
and aromatically
He flies and casts
His beatific spells
quel dommage,
oh my, horrors
circular marks in linen
brown with strife
and teary streams
But then again
spreading wings he dreams
Without feet, those scoundrels
of gravity
Velo-Taxi bicycle knee
With alacrity
Pours black clarity
Para ti
Mi amigo del Cielo,
roast and ground, whole-ly
Casi, almost in traffic not suffice
Glissendo my heart, take
Tea leaves mint
in it. jack the knife.
Vuelto sin velas,
a frantic Cassandra
donde fuera posible
and return no more the
la salade de la maison
Candle tin by window
tingling Times Square blinking
Dark like night, sidewalk railing
Spirite-ly star-ling-ly a-blaze
Dressing write
It in the stars, uphold
our amphitheater of a setting -place to be
table-bound, blonde, roast and youthful
I stare at you
As a bicycle rushes by
front by the restaurant
street sure and the smarts
lights change your
light-bright knight to dream-by
Joie de vivre
Written in the sky
Wrap me in satin
White moon city light
My favorite canopy
Delight – me gusta mi mismo
De nuevo
Dew – ly, dazzle
Return my gaze, Dude
Lichen, green and umber
unopened letter
Moss upon the battlefield
Strong horses running forward
The night of my being within
Starry haze my last
past the ferns and bark
often freely, tree and forest
Gasp of an evening, park
With two
Hearts may bleed
Breeding flowers
Sombras y aguas
Hudson passing, the island still
Darkness fatal
Like coffee?
Yes waiter please
The cheque, l’addition
Mr. Sketch
steady my study
mon café noir
full-in white cup
filtered and fuel
back-in packed my jet pack
bodied, ripped, jacked
viewed from above, when within
a dark moon created herein
this full moon
of absolute madness
stillness in my heart
various tools of the trade with
brush resolute
resolve in hand
work straight ahead
and leaning to the side
full frontal was the model
live, for drawing, succumb
to the goddess of Art
Art Studio
a collaboration
headwinds and honchos
Manhattan, a study in
master and student
dark magic my coffee
paint brush steady
its image revealed
Skiddy the Pool Guy
knowing smirk
moonlights in the mornings
nascent nudez
abandon Adonis
Goddess hypnotic before the water
Narcissus with a day job
in my painting, panting
exercise stability ball held
over head with both arms
superb model models now
Atlas, shrugging, immodestly
artist furiously drawing immensity
Dejame ser – mi cuerpo es mi cuerpo
a peripheral role, almost nonexistent
to the artistic endeavors, Red
Stability Ball overhead, Atlas-like,
Rugged, burdened position, Buff,
Pectorals tight Buttocks clenched firmly
Place feet onstage, above it all,
Revolving as the planets but stationary
in this moment as time breaks for
coffee studied and studying and
finally artwork critiqued.
The messy lines of a human, masculine-form
rendered sketchily
Take me back! My Manhattan
Washington, Square my circular
Full, round, heart
Red as a woman’s parted lips
as she downs a black, blistering
Park and Avenue
store fronts and
twittering amonst the branches
an image of trees reflected
in glass
behind the windows
eyes like jewels
would never notice
homeless man lies
on park bench
while woman young
jubilant walks by
satisfied. Merely
an image
eyes drunk with candy
Whitest orb of a moon
to reappear that same,
evening, above skyline
above it all
swelling with
heartfelt sorrows
a stillness now
in the streets
compromiso – promesa
el corazón del cielo
another day in the daily
diary grind cada día its due
everyday-wear for a morning
finally, it arrive
the brandishing SUN
just over the Statue of Liberty
Ma Liberté
swaddle me with your
metal robe
the only woman
this man
shall ever desire
la femme
bejeweled eyes
the woman, young
returns to her
daily ambrosia
discarded newspapers
offer immortality
a price in every window
eyes like jewels
puncture me my heart
Liberty guards The City with
a torch, brandished boldly whilst
vendors, recklessly, moldering
Salpicando -han hecho -within
Pimiento and small change
caliente entre las manos
Good Stuff in Life
the man on the bench
Gold-ness of Sun
warming and fortunate
another Wintering day
Skiddy the Pool Guy
newly clothed
left studio behind
frontal nudity required
and back firm again
to return
another day
to be paid in full
resolve still
a model at heart
specimen of a man
to be just like you
teach me you can
magnificence, musculature
well batten legs
now carry me
the thresh-hold of
a building
leaves of trees
soundlessly in the Winter
A Jacket blows
far and distant from
the naked moments
above it all
Los Músicos
Stanly gets it
saxophone player
streetwise, street smart Stanly
Jazz Artiste
fronts the windows
carries his reflection
up in lights
music abounds
Avenue, Park, Stanly
and a man on a park bench
bristling sunshine
warms the coffee
in hand for the man
play my heart
Red Robed Monk
Thelonious, gold like the Sun
his Saxohpone
screaming hysteria
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