brown rock island on sea water under blue sky during daytime

Están manteniendo USTEDES fuera de equilibrio mientras arman el sistema. * El colapso monetario es inevitable cuando el imperio anglo-estadounidense implosione desde dentro. * hiperinflación. * moneda de platino de 1 trillón * Hoy he recibido varios informes del comandante en jefe Syrskyi sobre las líneas de frente y nuestras acciones para empujar la guerra hacia el territorio del agresor. * La toma de beneficios seguida del pánico en los mercados financieros. * La clase obrera está siendo diezmada. * El silencio eterno de estos espacios infinitos me asusta. *

**************** Oh, to contemplate the vastness of the unknown!

Blaise Pascal: ‘The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me.’ – link2source – This quote holds a deep meaning as it reflects Pascal’s contemplation and awe in the face of the vastness of the universe.

*** La inmensidad de lo desconocido! ***

**************** Stolen Valor, Harris-Walz 2024

link2source – Ep. 235: Freaking Out Over Harris-Walz (8/12/24) – Highly Respected

link2source – They Call Out Tim Walz For His “Stolen Valor” – Lies lead to more lies and they become a tangled web. – TrumpIsOurLastChance

link2source – Kamala’s Meltdown & Marxist Lunacy On Display After Trump Elon Spaces – TrumpIsOurLastChange


***************** Ukraine

link2source – Col. Jacques Baud: Israel on the Brink of Collapse? Ukraine’s Desperate Move – Dialogue Works

Russia Begins Heavy Retaliation On Ukrainian Capital [Kiev] As Zelensky Breaks Silence On Kursk Invasion | ZeroHedge – link2source – Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, push war onto aggressor’s territory; “Ukraine is proving that it can indeed restore justice and ensure the necessary pressure on the aggressor.” – [Volodymyr Zelenskyy] acknowledges military operation in Russia’s Kursk region – link2source – By Reuters, August 10, 20241:51 PM CDT – [Zelenskyy] acknowledged for the first time on Saturday that Ukrainian forces were fighting in Russia’s Kursk region…”Today, I received several reports from commander-in-chief Syrskyi regarding the front lines and our actions to push the war onto the aggressor’s territory,” he said. – Kursk Oblast, By Stasyan117 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, link

link2source – Pentagon defends Israel. China supports Iran. Russia evacuates Belgorod. Zaporozhye NPP is on fire. – Emil Cosman – Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant – link –  in southeastern Ukraine is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and among the 10 largest in the world. *


link2source – FUKUSHIMA News;; pull the SAN ONOFRE Dry cask Nuclear ENERGY Waste Cans Up put them on the Train Car – Kevin D Blanch

link2source – MARKET REPORT MON AUG 12 2024 – Financial Turmoil Explained

link2source – FUKUSHIMA News;; Another Finn Whale Washes Up Starving to Death SO. California – Kevin D Blanch * Ecological disaster in the Pacific Ocean; whales starving to death and washing ashore. * The ‘cloud’ and the ‘soup’ are what whales need to eat. It’s a starvation event (in the Pacific Ocean.) * Meltdown several hundred million degrees. Core meltdown; how hot is it? *

link2source – ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Monday 8/12/24 • DEMS CONFESS COUP AGAINST BIDEN, News, Reports & Analysis

link2source – Vince Lanci: Chinese Gold Buying and the Yen Carry Trade – Palisades Gold Radio – Banks show “drug-seeking” behavior.

link2source – Stupid People are Running the World – Epi-3539 – Jack Spirko – The generation that ‘goes along to get along.’ * satanic visualization and culture wars as described in The Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory). link2source – a theorized recurring generation cycle in [ American  and Western history ]. * We’ve been running a scam since World War II. At an Inflection point, Nixon closed the gold window.

******************* Gold and the USD

link2source – The Economic Cycle. In the U..S., the government has given a lot of money and credit to people. The Ideology battles it out! – Meanwhile, inflation robs people of their purchasing power.

link2sourceGoldbacks – Goldback founder Jeremy Cordon discusses cash-like GOLD and how it can save… – BBN

It was not longer possible to back with gold all the dollars printed by the U.S. Fed/Treasury. Nixon Ends Convertibility of U.S. Dollars to Gold and Announces Wage/Price Controls – August 1971 – With inflation on the rise and a gold run looming, President Richard Nixon’s team enacted a plan that ended dollar convertibility to gold and implemented wage and price controls, which soon brought an end to the Bretton Woods System. – link2source – ** link2source – Last year the Federal Government spent $1,417 billion dollars out of $3,854 billion, or 37% of every dollar it spent, on Medicare and Medicaid.  This was a 9.3% increase over last year’s expenditure of $1,296,731 (million), all-in. – link2source *

link2sourceHyperinflation – Currency Collapse Inevitable as Anglo-American Empire Implodes from Within. – maneco64

Ukraine Says It Hit & Destroyed Russian Offshore Gas Platform In Black Sea – ZeroHedge – link2sourcein the Black Sea: [Ukraine] military targeted and destroyed offshore gas platform allegedly converted to forward operating sea base by Moscow.link2source – [Allegedly] Ukraine hit offshore gas platform used by Russian forces. By Reuters August 10, 20247:49 AM CDTU – Ukraine’s navy and military intelligence have attacked and damaged a former offshore gas platform used by Russian forces in the Black Sea, the navy spokesman said on Saturday.

The Trillion Dollar Coin: A Dumb Idea That Some Government People Take Seriously – link2source – Zero Hedge DOT COM – SATURDAY, AUG 10, 2024 – 03:20 PM – The idea is pretty simple. The U.S. Treasury could mint a $1 trillion platinum coin, deposit it at the Federal Reserve, and then the federal government could write checks against that asset. – link2playlistLa MONEDA de UN TRILLÓN

linkMike Maharrey – August 8th, 2024

link2source – Economic Hurricane Is Coming: This Is Your LAST CHANCE To Become A MILLIONAIRE In 2024 – Black Swan Capitalist


link2sourceAlastair Crooke : Is Middle East War Inevitable? – Judge Napolitano


link2source – RogueNewsTV: V for Veles Special Monday Broadcast – RogueNews 8-12-24 – Battle of Kursk – link2source – The Battle of Kursk was a major World War II Eastern Front battle between the forces of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union near Kursk in southwestern Russia during the summer of 1943, resulting in a Soviet victory. 

link – Wikipedia contributors. “Battle of Kursk.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 12 Aug. 2024. Web. 12 Aug. 2024.


link2sourceBill Holter 1 of 3. Time is running out! Get out now! Gated communities, a false sense of security! – Texas Silver

link2source – The Case for PALESTINE – Author Daniel Kovalik interviewed by Mike Adams – BBN

************ Un tonto de capirote

link2source – Que Mala: The Strategic Plan to Install A Blithering Idiot As Biden’s Successor – Lionel Nation

link2source – Market Meltdown: Dissecting the Recent Crash – Ed Siddel #6122 – Kerry Lutz’s Financial Survival Network * Profit-taking followed by panic in the financial markets. * The working class is being decimated. *


link2source – Is it time to check out? – Bjorn Talks *** link2source – England Is Burning | The UK Riots – Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen

**************** Tipos de interés mineral explicados

When entering into a mineral rights agreement, it is very important to understand the complex definitions. – link2sourceMineral Interest vs. Royalty Interest [+Net Royalty Acres Calculation] – Ranger Minerals DOT com – mineral-royalty-interest * A mineral interest is the absolute ownership of all minerals below the subsurface of a property. * Mineral interests are the real assets that can be under the ownership of individuals and entities. * Royalty interests do not represent physical properties. * Unlike mineral interests, royalty interests can be claimed. This is if a person or business is involved with the exploration or production of any valuable resources. – TYPES OF MINERAL INTERESTS AND ROYALTY INTERESTS – link2source – What is the definition of royalty interest – oil and gas? When someone has a royalty interest in oil or gas, they own a part of a resource or have a right to some of the revenue the resource produces.

link2source – Mineral Interest Types Explained  

link –





Taiwan looms in the political background. –

Different kinds of wars, economic and otherwise, smolder concurrently.

Ray Dalio’s Warning For The Economic Crisis, U.S. Recession & World War 3 Odds In 2024 – Tom Bilyeu@TomBilyeu


“I have a lot of noise in my life, which interferes with Future Forecasting and Remote Viewing. – Cliff High



By François Bouchot – (direct link), Public Domain, – link

Français : Orangerie du parc de Saint-Cloud — Coup d’État des 18-19 brumaire an VIII — Le général Bonaparte au Conseil des Cinq-Cents, à Saint Cloud. 10 novembre 1799.

English: Napoleon Bonaparte in the coup d’état of 18 Brumaire in Saint-Cloud.


Council of Five Hundred – link2source – the lower house of the legislature of France under the Constitution of the Year III. It existed from 31 October 1795 to 9 November 1799 during the Directory (Directoire) period of the French Revolution.[1]


link2source – BOMBSHELL: President Of The U.S. Admits He Was FORCED Out! – We Are Change – Coup d’état


link2source – Hezbollah and their Missiles Could Do Significant Damage to Israel. – MIT Prof. Ted Postol: What Happens If Iran and Israel Go to War? The Truth Will Blow Your Mind! – Dialogue Works


************* transfer agent

A transfer agent plays a vital role in acting as a liaison between a company’s registrar and its investors. – Transfer agents closely maintain an investor’s account balances and electronically maintain certificates of security ownership. – Transfer agents work for the security issuer to record changes of ownership, maintain the issuer’s security holder records, cancel and issue certificates, and distribute dividends.  Transfer agents are usually banks or trust companies, but sometimes a company acts as its own transfer agent.  Transfer agents are required to be registered with the SEC, or if the transfer agent is a bank, with a bank regulatory agency. – link

link –




San Pablo Bay – a tidal estuary that forms the northern extension of the San Francisco Bay in the East Bay and North Bay regions of the San Francisco Bay Area in northern California. * there is a deep water channel approximately in the middle of the bay, which allows access to major ports in SacramentoStocktonBenicia, and Martinez; and other smaller ports on the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta. * partially enclosed coastal body of brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it – Estuary – water occurring in a natural environment that has more salinity than freshwater, but not as much as seawater. – Brackish waterlink – The tiny Delta smelt is an Endangered Species Act threatened species.

link – Wikipedia contributors. “San Pablo Bay.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 21 May. 2024. Web. 11 Aug. 2024.


link2source – A MASSIVE Prediction For Gold Buyers | Tom Luongo – CapitalCosm

link2source – 51: Goldback‘s Rise from Zero to One Million Customers – First Customers

link2source – Countdown September 10: Scamala’s Appointment With Dem Debate Disaster Redux – Lionel Nation

link2source – Mike Rowe Takes Up CLASS WARFARE with Victor Davis Hanson | The Way I Heard It. – Mike Rowe

link2source – UK warns keyboard warriors. Pelosi, The Art of Power. Kursk operation stalled. US reinforces Cyprus – Alex Christoforou * First Amendment * First Amendment to the United States Constitution – link *

link2source – The bottom falls out, what is next for markets? – BTC Market Update – Bitcoin



By Władysław Podkowiński – – link , Public Domain, link – Ecstasy (1894), by Władysław Podkowiński – link2youtubeLink2Search


Velocity of money – The velocity of money measures the number of times that one unit of currency is used to purchase goods and services within a given time period.[3] In other words, it’s how many times money is changing hands. 

link – Wikipedia contributors. “Velocity of money.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 23 Feb. 2024. Web. 10 Aug. 2024.


link2source – LIVE! Harris “The Crypto Queen?” Both Kamala and Donnie Pushing The Same Agenda? WHY? Mannarino – Gregory Mannarino – They are keeping YOU off balance while weaponizing the system.

link2source – THESE PLACES ARE IN FINANCIAL RUIN! – Michael Bordenaro

link2source – August 5th, 2024 Market Crash Summary with David Webb – BIG PICTURE with James Patrick@bigpicture1776 * the Great Taking will become operational with the dissollution of property rights.

brown rock island on sea water under blue sky during daytime
Photo by Pixabay on


Oh to Grasp Vastness of the Unknown! – Continue Reading by ALL Means!

Vastness of Unknown! Should life leave one spellbound. Island of comfort, say goodbye. Enter one’s soul, the flooding light! Floodgates to break. Piercing. The old superstition hastily rewritten. Doddering old man of the past falling over himself. “I’m on my way out.” – you say. “It’s about time.” – says the vast conspiracy. “It’s always been about time.” – It’s Soulful. JL 8-10-2024

Thanks for reading and informing yourself!

Visit my SUBSTACK : – Enjoy!

You’re always welcome!

The goal of this publication is to inform humanity. Nothing in this publication should be interpreted as investment advice. Texan Gold Real Estate, LLC – Thanks for reading! And keep it up! Remember: be careful with your money and your time, especially in this new, new economy! Make you decisions with caution!

***** Tips in Bitcoin accepted with extraordinary enthusiasm!

Gold is the safe haven; Bitcoin is more convenient. Try both! The system may die due to a lack of interest! – JL


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Oh to Grasp Vastness of the Unknown!


Amateur writer, pianist-composer, and denizen of Houston, TX. Email: -> I would be delighted to hear from you!

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