My chandelabra
Shanked up in Shanty Town
A damsel in Red Dress
Slays a dragon in distress
And the precipice goes down.
Fiddling in Fig’s Awake
I finally mistook a mistake
for my error, a note’s surprise
I surmise my misery to
your longevity.
A thousand splinters are you
And shades of grass in this morass
A sinking ship will due for you
What I couldn’t and shouldn’t to
Have done to do.
A beach, a cloud, and a sky surprise
My eyes on you by the Ocean Blue
My sorrows heartfelt and my
Honor true
to do for you.
May the birds sing on this occasion
Occasionally white-washed but
Mostly murals of me and you
On the Sands of Gibraltar
Of theives and men all dreams
Come True!
James Legare 8-6-16