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Immunization not carried out because of patient decision for unspecified reason
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About Today’s Other Featured Image

By James Gillray – Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-USZC4-3147 (color film copy transparency), archival TIFF version (4 MB), converted to JPEG with the GIMP 2.4.5, image quality 88., Public Domain
La Scala (UK: /læ ˈskɑːlə/, US: /lɑː -/,[1]Italian: [la ˈskaːla]; abbreviation in Italian of the official name Teatro alla Scala[teˈaːtro alla ˈskaːla]) is an opera house in Milan, Italy. The theatre was inaugurated on 3 August 1778 and was originally known as the Nuovo Regio Ducale Teatro alla Scala (New Royal-Ducal Theatre alla Scala). The premiere performance was Antonio Salieri‘s Europa riconosciuta.
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, October 16). La Scala. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:46, November 22, 2021, from
Dear President Biden,
Despite two recent federal court rulings staying the employer vaccine mandate, the White House continues to willfully ignore the judiciary and call on businesses to continue implementing the rule by January 4, 2022, as if these judicial decisions never occurred. This position puts small business job creators in an untenable position, unsure whether to comply with White House guidance and incur the significant costs associated with implementing the mandate or follow the rulings thus far from the courts.
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verb \ ˈbärn-ˌstȯrm \inflected form(s): -ed/-ing/-s
intransitive verb
1: to tour through rural districts staging theatrical performances in barns or makeshift theaters usually in one-night stands<traveled with Will Benbon’s road show … barnstorming through Mississippi — Tomorrow>
2: to travel from one town or locality to another making brief stops (as in campaigning or in the course of a concert or exhibition tour)<the candidates barnstormed through the Eastern states last week><barnstorming in Boston, Chicago, and Manhattan lecture halls — Time>
3: to pilot one’s airplane in sightseeing flights with passengers or in exhibition stunts in an unscheduled itinerant course especially in rural districts<his barnstorming plane was forced down in a Minnesota swamp — Grace H. Flandrau>
“Barnstorm.” Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 22 Nov. 2021.- link
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, September 21). Christoph Prégardien. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:13, November 22, 2021, from
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, September 10). Marc-Antoine Charpentier. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:39, November 22, 2021, from
Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala. (12 gennaio 2021). Wikipedia, L’enciclopedia libera. Tratto il 22 novembre 2021, 16:43 da // – link
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, October 16). La Scala. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:46, November 22, 2021, from
“Barnstorm.” Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 22 Nov. 2021.- link
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, September 19). Zeitgeist. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 19:51, November 22, 2021, from
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, November 22). Waukesha, Wisconsin. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:18, November 22, 2021, from,_Wisconsin&oldid=1056613104
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, November 16). Stanley Kubrick. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:38, November 22, 2021, from
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, November 19). Smallpox. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:01, November 22, 2021, from
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November 19, 2021
President Joseph R. Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Biden,
Despite two recent federal court rulings staying the employer vaccine mandate, the White House continues to willfully ignore the judiciary and call on businesses to continue implementing the rule by January 4, 2022, as if these judicial decisions never occurred. This position puts small business job creators in an untenable position, unsure whether to comply with White House guidance and incur the significant costs associated with implementing the mandate or follow the rulings thus far from the courts.
Yesterday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki reiterated the White House position that
businesses, including small businesses with 100 to 500 employees, “move forward” with the
employer vaccine mandate. “That was our message after the first stay issued by the Fifth Circuit.
That remains our message and nothing has changed.” Despite the federal court stays, she said,
“We are still heading towards the same timeline.”
By ignoring recent court rulings, the White House is expanding its executive overreach. The
White House has already ignored Congress with its vaccine mandate federal power grab. Never
before has the federal government mandated vaccines for so many Americans—let alone at the
order of the President—without clear support from Congress. Now, it is ignoring the courts—a
coequal branch of government. The judiciary is the last place where Americans can seek relief
from unconstitutional and illegal government actions. We expect the White House to respect and
listen to the judiciary rather than barnstorming ahead and bullying businesses to comply with this
rule whose legal fate is in serious jeopardy.
The White House is even ignoring the position of its own Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), which announced this week that it will suspend enforcement of the
mandate in response to the U.S. appeals court’s recent decision to freeze this mandate. The White
House’s position is increasingly isolated from other branches of government and even executive
branch agencies. By urging small businesses to comply with the mandate despite the federal
court stay, the White House signals that it smells defeat on this issue and is simply trying to get
as much compliance as possible before a final court decision.
This conflicting guidance is unfair to small businesses simply trying to get their businesses back
to pre-pandemic levels. By following the White House guidance, they are incurring expenses and
time-consuming setup costs. Will the White House reimburse small businesses for these
expenses if the courts permanently strike down the rule?
Job Creators Network filed a lawsuit to stand up for small businesses affected by this
unconstitutional mandate and block it from taking effect. We expect the White House to respect
the rule of law and observe the court’s temporary stay. Today, our lawyers filed a notice with the
Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals—which is now hearing all challenges to the mandate—informing
it of the White House’s actions and urging the Court to promptly hear and resolve the legal
challenges to the mandate, given the White House’s actions.
OSHA does not have the authority to enact such a sweeping public health mandate. Even if it
did, there’s neither the grave nor immediate conditions required for such an emergency
regulation. Covid cases are decreasing, new therapeutics have been developed, and we are
approaching herd immunity.
This mandate is not a small ask of America’s employers. Businesses are just recovering from the
pandemic. They are dealing with the highest inflation in over 30 years, and they are struggling to
deal with a supply chain and labor shortage crisis. Now is the worst time to deputize them as the
health police.
The mandate would exacerbate these shortages by requiring employers to terminate staff who
wish not to get vaccinated or get weekly tests. It will also shrink the pool of job applicants
available for hiring. Associated staffing shortages would force businesses to reduce capacity and
economic output, causing financial harm to businesses, employees, and the communities in
which they are located.
For these and other reasons, we believe the employer vaccine mandate is illegal. So far the courts
agree with our position. White House guidance should reflect this reality. It’s only fair to
America’s hardworking small employers who have been through so much already.
Alfredo Ortiz
President and CEO
Job Creators Network